(A)   City cablecasting equipment and facilities are available for public, governmental, and educational programming to any individual or group residing within the city. Any community group may designate an individual as the representative of the group applying to use the equipment and facilities.
   (B)   Individuals or groups entitled to use the equipment must acknowledge by the signature of the individual or group representative that the access rules and regulations are understood and will be followed.
   (C)   There is no minimum age restriction for use of equipment or facilities. However, residents under the age of 18 years who wish to use the public access channel or equipment and facilities must file a parental/guardian/adult supervisor consent form with the city accepting responsibility, along with the minor applicant, and for the cost of damages to the equipment or facilities (other than normal wear and tear).
(1993 Code, § 18-123) (Ord. passed 8-22-1994)