(A)   The houses and buildings in the streets of the city shall be numbered by the block system.
   (B)   The streets to be used as the basis for such numbering shall be North and South Cochran Avenue, East and West Lawrence Avenue, Lansing Street and the Battle Creek State Road. Beginning at the base, the blocks shall be numbered by the decimal system in units of 100, and where a street crosses a baseline they shall be designated as north, east, south, west or combinations thereof for angling streets, and when the blocks in any street are not of equal number on both sides of the street, the blocks shall be divided so that the opposite block numbers shall correspond.
   (C)   One number shall be assigned for each 30 feet as nearly as may be. The houses or buildings in each block shall be numbered commencing with the number of the block and thereafter by adding to the number of the block the number of the house or building. Even numbers shall be on the right side and odd numbers on the left side from the baseline or point of origin.
   (D)   In streets which do not intersect with the base, the blocks shall be numbered to correspond with the blocks in the base parallel thereto.
(1993 Code, § 14-86)