After the effective date of this Charter, the city and all its agencies shall be vested with all property[,] moneys, contracts, rights, credits, effects, and the records, files, books and papers, belonging to it under and by virtue of the previous charter. No right or liability, contract, lease, or franchise, either in favor of or against the city, existing at the time this Charter became effective, and no suit or prosecution of any character shall be affected in any manner by any change resulting from the adoption of this Charter, but the same shall stand or proceed as if no change had been made. All taxes, debts, and liabilities due to the city from any person, and all fines and penalties, imposed and existing at the time of such change, shall be collected by the city. All trusts established for any municipal purpose shall be continued in accordance with the terms thereof, subject to the cy pres doctrine.
At a meeting of the Charter Commission of the City of Charlotte held on the 29th day of January 1962, at the usual meeting place of the Commission, the following members of the Charter Commission were present: Herbert Black, Richard L. Davis, George F. Dean, Edward S. Elles, Clarence M. Hoedeman, Franklin (Bud) Loucks, Wells Rauser, Don P. Smith, Duane E. Wertz.
At such meeting the following resolution was offered by Commissioner Black and supported by Commissioner Wertz.
Resolved, That the Charter Commission of the City of Charlotte does hereby adopt the foregoing instrument as the proposed charter of the City of Charlotte, and the Clerk of this Commission is hereby instructed to transmit the same to the Governor of the State of Michigan, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 279 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, for his approval.
The vote on the adoption of the resolution was as follows:
Ayes: 9
Nays: None
Absent: None
(s) Bernadine Vaughn,
Clerk of the Charter
Commission of the City
of Charlotte, Michigan.
Clerk of the Charter
Commission of the City
of Charlotte, Michigan.
Attested by the following Commissioners:
(s) Richard L. Davis
(s) George F. Dean
(s) Edward S. Elles
(s) Clarence M. Hoedeman
(s) Franklin Loucks
(s) Wells H. Rauser
(s) Don P. Smith
(s) Duane E. Wertz
(s) Herbert R. Black, Chairman
The said Commissioners having attested as to said resolution, as above set forth and, also, having attested the copy to be signed by the Governor, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
I hereby approve the foregoing Charter of the City of Charlotte, Michigan.
(s) John B. Swainson Governor of the State of Michigan
Dated March 6, 1962
At a meeting of the Charter Commission of the City of Charlotte called by the Chairman, a quorum being present, the following amendment to the Schedule Chapter of the proposed charter for said city, as adopted by the Charter Commission on January 29, 1962, was adopted:
Amend the Schedule Chapter by adding a new section thereto to be numbered Section 15 and to read as follows: