No later than the first day of February of each year, each officer, department, and board of the city shall submit to the City Manager an itemized estimate of its expected income and expenditures during the next fiscal year for the department or activities under its control. The City Manager shall compile such information and list the same upon a budget proposal form. He shall review such budget requests, and in a column parallel to and adjacent to that containing such budget requests, shall enter his budgetary recommendations for each item requested by the several officers and departments, with such additions thereto and deletions therefrom as he shall deem proper. Not later than the first meeting of the Council in April of each year, he shall submit to the Council a recommended budget for the next fiscal year which, considering any anticipated unexpended balance or deficit at the end of the current fiscal year, is within the tax limit and other anticipated revenue of the city. In addition to the foregoing information, such recommended budget shall include therein in parallel and adjacent columns at least the following information:
      (1)   The detailed estimates of the City Manager, with supporting explanation, of proposed expenditures for each office, department, and board of the city, with a comparison of the actual appropriations for corresponding items for last preceding fiscal year, in full, and the appropriations for the current fiscal year, together with the expenditures for such year to January first, and estimated expenditures for the balance of the current fiscal year;
      (2)   Statements of bonded and other indebtedness of the city, showing the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the consideration of sinking funds if any;
      (3)   Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues of the city from sources other than taxes, with a comparative statement of the amounts estimated for and actually received from each of the same or similar sources for the last preceding fiscal year in full, for the current fiscal year to January first, and estimated revenues therefrom for the balance of the current fiscal year;
      (4)   A statement of the estimated accumulated cash and unencumbered balances, or deficits, at the end of the current fiscal year;
      (5)   An estimate of the amount of money to be raised from taxes to be levied, from delinquent taxes, and the amount to be raised from bond issues which, together with available unappropriated funds and any revenues from other sources, will be necessary to meet the proposed expenditures.