(A)    A city office shall become vacant upon the occurrence of any of the following:
      (1)   The expiration of the term of office;
      (2)   The death of the incumbent;
      (3)   A resignation;
      (4)   A removal from office in any manner provided by law;
      (5)   Ceasing to possess at any time the qualifications or eligibility for office required by this Charter for election or appointment to an office by any person elected or appointed thereto;
      (6)   Conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude, or an offense involving a violation of an oath of office;
      (7)   A judicial determination that the incumbent is of unsound mind;
      (8)   A decision of a competent tribunal declaring the election or appointment of the incumbent void;
      (9)   Failure to take the oath or make the affirmation, or file the bond, required for the office within ten days from the date of election or appointment or within such other time, not exceeding thirty days thereafter, as the Council may fix;
      (10)   In the case of the Mayor and Councilmen, absence from four consecutive regular meetings of the Council, unless such absences, with reasons therefor stated at the time and appearing in the journal of the meeting from which the member was absent, be excused, or twenty-five percent of such meetings in any calendar year, unless such absences are so excused;
      (11)   Absence from the city or failure to perform the duties of such office for sixty consecutive days, unless such absence from the city or failure to perform the duties of office shall be excused by the Council prior to the expiration of such sixty day period.