(A)   On development proposals which are so large or complex that a storm water management plan encompassing all phases of the project cannot reasonably be prepared prior to initial ground breaking, an application for a sequential SWM permit, based on successive major incremental earth change activities may be allowed. Requests for sequential applications shall be approved by the agent prior to submittal of the initial SWM permit application.
   (B)   Approval of sequential applications shall take place in two phases. First, the overall conceptual plan for the entire development shall be submitted for review and approval. Second, detailed plans for each phase of the total project shall be submitted for review and approval.
   (C)   All permits processed and issued for phases of a project shall be clearly defined as to the nature and extent of work covered for that phase. Each phase of the project must be reviewed and permitted individually prior to construction.
(Ord. 810, passed 11-18-2019)