(A) Trash receptacle enclosures shall be required for all uses, except single-family detached and two-family dwellings, where an outdoor trash receptacle is stored. Trash receptacle enclosure locations and construction details meeting the requirements of this section shall be shown on site plans.
(1) Location. Trash receptacle enclosures shall be located in the rear yard or non-required side yard, unless otherwise approved by the site plan reviewing authority. Trash receptacle enclosures for commercial and industrial sites shall be as far as practical from an adjoining residential district boundary.
(2) Access. Access to the trash receptacles by refuse vehicles shall be designed to prevent damage to automobiles in designated parking spaces; provided, the enclosure doors shall not be highly visible from traffic entering the site from a public road.
(3) Base. The trash receptacle base shall be at least nine feet by nine feet, constructed of six inches of reinforced concrete pavement. The base shall extend six feet beyond the dumpster pad or gate to support the front axle of a refuse vehicle. Where grease disposal receptacles are used, curbing shall be provided around the enclosure base to contain any spillage.
(4) Screening. Trash receptacles shall have a lid or cover and be enclosed by a wall on three sides with a wood gate on the fourth side. The enclosure shall be constructed of wood, plastic, vinyl, brick or split face block that matches the building color with a height of six feet or at least one foot higher than the dumpster, whichever is greater. Other decorative masonry material may be approved if it matches the material used on the principal building. Poured concrete with false brick design or plain concrete slag blocks are not permitted.
(B) The site plan reviewing authority may waive the requirement for a trash receptacle enclosure for businesses, such as banks, that store all waste material indoors or other uses that provide alternate means of handling waste disposal.
(Prior Code, § 5.83) Penalty, see § 153.999