(A)   Vehicle repair, major.
      (1)   All main and accessory structures shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from any residential district.
      (2)   Overhead doors shall not face a public street or residential district. The Planning Commission may modify this requirement upon a determination that there is no reasonable alternative and the poor visual impact will be diminished through use of building materials, architectural features and landscaping.
      (3)   Where applicable, vehicle stacking space shall be provided in front of each service bay for at least two vehicles.
      (4)   All maintenance and repair work shall be conducted completely within an enclosed building.
      (5)   There shall be no outdoor storage or display of vehicle components and parts, materials, commodities for sale, supplies or equipment.
      (6)   Storage of wrecked, partially dismantled or other derelict vehicles or overnight parking of any vehicle, except a tow truck, shall be permitted up to 30 days in a designated area. Such area shall be located in a rear or side yard and screened from public view in accordance with the screening requirements of § 153.171(I)(5) of this chapter.
      (7)   If the use includes installation of oil or other automotive fluids except for fuel, the applicant shall submit a Pollution Incidence Protection Plan (PIPP). The PIPP shall describe measures to prevent ground water contamination caused by accidental spills or leakage of gasoline or other hazardous materials, such as special check valves, drain back catch basins and automatic shut off valves, as approved by the Fire Department.
   (B)   Vehicle repair, minor.
      (1)   A building or structure shall be located at least 30 feet from any side or rear lot line abutting a residential district.
      (2)   Equipment, including hydraulic hoists, pits, and lubrication, greasing and other automobile repairing equipment shall be located entirely within an enclosed building. Outdoor storage or display of merchandise, such as tires, lubricants and other accessory equipment is not permitted.
      (3)   All activities shall occur inside a building. No vehicle may be stored on the property for more than 14 days.
      (4)   Storage of gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, oil or other flammable liquids or gas above ground shall not be permitted.
      (5)   Floor drains shall not connect to the sanitary sewer system.
      (6)   If the use includes installation of oil or other automotive fluids, except for fuel, the applicant shall submit a Pollution Incidence Protection Plan (PIPP). The PIPP shall describe measures to prevent ground water contamination caused by accidental spills or leakage of gasoline or other hazardous materials, such as special check valves, drain back catch basins and automatic shut off valves, as approved by the fire department.
      (7)   If the use includes fuel sales, the requirements for a vehicle service station shall also be met.
   (C)   Vehicle service station.
      (1)   The site shall be located with frontage on and direct access to at least one arterial street.
      (2)   Minimum setback from the right-of-way shall be 30 feet for buildings and canopy structures. The setback for a canopy or similar shelter, if provided, shall be measured to the leading edge of the canopy fascia.
      (3)   Gasoline pumps, air and water hose stands and other appurtenances shall have a minimum setback of 25 feet from the right-of-way.
      (4)   Prohibited activities include outdoor storage or parking of rental or disabled or wrecked vehicles for more than seven consecutive calendar days and major vehicle repair.
   (D)   Vehicle wash establishment.
      (1)   All washing activities must occur inside a building.
      (2)   Required stacking spaces for waiting vehicles shall not be located within a public or private right-of-way and shall not conflict with maneuvering areas, parking spaces and other activities. Stacking lanes shall be designed to prevent vehicle queues from extending beyond the property.
      (3)   Wastewater must be recycled, filtered or otherwise cleansed to minimize discharge of soap, wax and solid matter into public sewers.
      (4)   Only one driveway shall be permitted from any street, unless the Planning Commission determines additional driveways will be necessary to ensure safe and efficient access to the site.
      (5)   For automated drive-through wash facilities, a by-pass lane is required that allows by-passing waiting vehicles.
      (6)   Overhead doors shall not face a street, except if approved by the Planning Commission in these circumstances:
         (a)   When the doors of a through-garage are located at the front and rear of a building;
         (b)   When a garage is located on a corner or through lot; or
         (c)   When determined that a rear garage door would negatively affect an abutting residential use or district.
      (7)   The property owner or operator must comply with all applicable noise regulations. Air handling equipment shall be located on a roof, be equipped with intervening noise reduction baffles, be in proper working condition and comply with this provision.
(Prior Code, § 5.53)