§ 153.085 INTENT.
   (A)   GC, General Commercial District. This district accommodates retail and service establishments within the city, particularly along major corridors leading into and out of the city. The uses permitted in the GC District are intended to provide convenient and attractive retail, professional office and service establishments for the community and its rural trade area. This district is intended to accommodate larger scale commercial development and associated uses, due to larger lot sizes and consistency with the existing built commercial environment.
   (B)   CBD, Central Business District. This zone regulates land within the area traditionally considered to be Downtown Charlevoix. Its purpose is to support the central activity area of the city by accommodating a mix of retail, office, service, entertainment and residential uses in a walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment. Business uses which are inconsistent with this purpose or which detract from the convenience of this district are not permitted.
   (C)   CM, Commercial Mixed Use. This zone is intended to provide a transitional area between the GC and CBD districts on the south side and the CBD and R1 Districts north of the Bridge. This area south of the CBD includes a mix of residential and homes that have been converted to offices or mixed use buildings. Due to smaller lot sizes and structures with residential appearances, the area is intended for professional offices, mixed use buildings, retail and service establishments. This zone is intended to restrict larger scale commercial development, better suited for the outer north and south ends of the city.
   (D)   MC, Marine Commercial District. The MC District is established at locations in the community with water frontage to protect and promote the historic and unique heritage of the city. The historic marine use of the waterfront is a keystone to the ambiance of the “fishing village” feeling of the city. This district is intended to accommodate a mix of land uses including single-family, condominiums, marine related commercial and professional offices.
   (E)   CH, Commercial Hospitality District. The CH District provides for overnight lodging and complementary facilities and services, such as gift shops and restaurants. By precluding larger scale retail and other relatively intense commercial uses, it is intended to be limited to lodging and associated uses to complement the city as a vacation and wedding destination area.
   (F)   PO, Professional Office. This district is intended to accommodate uses that are administrative and/or professional in nature in appropriate areas, without adverse impacts to adjacent residential land uses.
   (G)   SR, Scenic Reserve District. The purpose of this district is to protect the scenic attributes of certain properties along the shores of the city’s abutting lakes where development has not occurred and views to and from the water remain relatively unspoiled. The visual connection to the water and the views from the lakes are considered essential elements of the city’s character that bring economic health and vitality to the community. Scenic reserve areas may also be forested lands or natural areas intended to be protected from future development because of their community or environmental value. Any uses permitted within this district must be undertaken in a manner that will respect the environment and the scenic or visual value of the designated areas. The SR District includes both public and private lands that are also highly valued for recreational activities.
   (H)   I, Industrial District. This zone is intended to accommodate the industrial needs of the entire community in such a manner that unreasonable noise, dust, vibration or any other like nuisance shall not affect adjoining properties.
   (I)   P, Public Facilities. This zone is intended to accommodate municipal, county and federal government related buildings and uses. Public facilities also include schools, public parking lots and the Charlevoix Public Library.
(Prior Code, § 5.30)