(A)   No person shall impede the operation of aircraft or any authorized operation or activity at the airport.
   (B)   No person shall cause objects to be placed on any runway or taxiway that could cause aircraft engine damage or take any other action that is a danger to aircraft or aircraft engines.
   (C)   A person shall obey all posted signs, fences and barricades prohibiting entry upon restricted areas or governing his or her activities and demeanor while at the airport.
   (D)   No person shall use a closed or secure gate without closing or securing the gate after that person’s use.
   (E)   No person shall enter within the airport boundaries without good cause. GOOD CAUSE shall include, but is not limited to: being a passenger of a plane located on the airport; a pilot of a plane located on the airport; a visitor of an aircraft owner, tenant, business or operator of an aircraft; a visitor or invitee of airport and/or city administration; an owner, operator or employee of a business at the airport; the customer or business invitee of a business at the airport; a person having a contractual relationship with the city involving airport property and the person’s presence is in the performance of that contract; or a person otherwise authorized by laws or regulations of the city, state or federal government.
   (F)   No person shall hunt or discharge a firearm on airport property without written permission from the airport Manager, except for law enforcement personnel in the performance of their duties.
   (G)   No person shall dispose of garbage, papers, refuse or other forms of trash on the premises of the airport, except in receptacles provided for such purposes, nor use a restroom other than in a clean and sanitary manner.
   (H)   No person shall operate or release any model aircraft, rocket, kite, balloon or other similar contrivance at or upon the airport without the prior approval of the Airport Manager. Approval shall be granted only if the proposed activity will not create a risk of harm to persons or property at the airport or will disrupt airport operations. Upon approval of the Airport Manager, a notice to airmen shall be issued prior to commencement of the approved activity.
   (I)   No person shall enter the terminal building or field area of the airport with a pet or other animal unless the animal is caged or on a leash and under an authorized person’s control.
   (J)   No person may smoke on any airport apron or ramp, in any hangar or in any aircraft on airport property, on any observation deck, or in any other place on airport property where smoking is prohibited by means of posted signs indicating such prohibition.
   (K)   No person shall travel upon the premises of the airport other than on roads or walkways, except when authorized by the Airport Manager for a purpose related to the operation, maintenance or use of the airport.
   (L)   No person shall solicit money or anything of value on the airport for any non-aeronautical commercial activity, unless otherwise approved by the Airport Manager, City Manager or City Council.
   (M)   Except as provided in this division (M), air camping and camping within the airport is prohibited. The Airport Manager may authorize air camping at certain times within specific areas and under rules established by the Airport Manager. A fee for air camping may be charged pursuant to the airport’s schedule of rates and charges. The Airport Manager is authorized to revoke permission for a person to air camp for a violation of this chapter, the failure to pay a required fee or for a violation of air camping rules. Sections 95.08 and 95.09 of this chapter shall not apply to the revocation of permission for air camping.
   (N)   No person shall parachute at or upon the airport without prior notice to the Airport Manager.
   (O)   No person shall parachute at a time which creates an unreasonable risk of harm to persons or property. A notice to airmen shall be issued prior to the commencement of the parachuting.
   (P)   No person shall obtain fuel for his, her or its aircraft from any person or entity other than the city, except when the fuel is dispensed by a self-fueling operator in full compliance with all regulations of this chapter applicable to that self-fueling operator.
   (Q)   A pilot shall escort all passengers to and from the pilot’s aircraft. This requirement shall not apply to a licensee who has a written plan that has been approved by the city and which provides for a different method of implementing passenger safety.
(Prior Code, § 2.199) (Ord. 755, passed 2-20-2012) Penalty, see § 95.99