For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AERONAUTICAL COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. Any operation of an aircraft for compensation or hire, or any services performed incidental to the operation of any aircraft for which a fee is charged or compensation received while basing aircraft, advertising or performing such services at the Charlevoix Municipal Airport. This includes, but is not limited to, the servicing, fueling, maintaining and repairing of third-party aircraft, the rental or charter of aircraft under an Federal Aviation Regulations (F.A.R.) part 135 certificate (scheduled or unscheduled), the operation of flight schools, the operation of aircraft for the application of chemicals or other substances, aerial photography or aerial surveys. An AERONAUTICAL COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY is one type of commercial activity.
   AIRPORT. Charlevoix Municipal Airport.
   AIRPORT MANAGER. The individual tasked with oversight and management of all activities at Charlevoix Municipal Airport, and includes designees of the Airport Manager. The AIRPORT MANAGER shall be appointed by the City Manager.
   BASED AIRCRAFT. An aircraft stationed at the airport on a long-term or permanent basis, through an arrangement for the storage of the aircraft in either a hangar or an outdoor tie-down area.
   CITY. The City of Charlevoix.
   CITY MANAGER. The City Manager of the city or a designee of the City Manager.
   COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. The sale or rental of any commodities, supplies or services and includes, but is not limited to, an aeronautical commercial activity.
   CONTRACT. Any contract, lease, covenants or other written agreement.
   FUEL. Any liquid which is used to power an airplane. FUEL includes, but is not limited to, 100LL and JetA.
      (1)   A written document issued by the city, pursuant to this chapter, that grants permission to engage in a specified commercial activity at the airport.
      (2)   A LICENSE may also be called a PERMIT.
   MINIMUM STANDARDS. The minimum requirements for the conducting of any commercial activity at the airport as adopted by the City Council by resolution and as amended from time to time.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company or association, including any trustee or receiver.
   SCHEDULE OF INSURANCES. The list of types of insurance, limits of coverage and other insurance-related requirements for the conducting of an aeronautical commercial activity or any other type of activity as adopted by the City Council by resolution and as amended from time to time.
   SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES. The fees or charges for the conducting of an aeronautical commercial activity or any other type of activity at the airport as adopted by the City Council by resolution and as amended from time to time.
   THIRD-PARTY AIRCRAFT. Aircraft that are not owned or leased by a self-fueling operator.
   TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT. An aircraft that is not a based aircraft.
   THROUGH THE FENCE. An agreement whereby a landowner whose property abuts the airport is given permission to taxi aircraft between the privately-owned land and the publicly owned airport.
(Prior Code, § 2.181) (Ord. 755, passed 2-20-2012)