(A) B-1 Limited Business.
(1) Intention of District. The B-1 Business District is intended to provide for professional office uses, personal service uses and retail service uses which dispense convenience goods and services directly to consumers on the premises. The B-1 District is a stand-alone district and is not a part of a hierarchy system of zoning. For example, what is permitted in the R-4 District is not permitted in the B-1 District. Only those uses and development standards that are expressly permitted and noted herein apply to the B-1 District.
(2) Permitted uses. No building structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
(a) General business offices including insurance agencies, real estate agencies, trade association offices, communication company offices, travel agencies, health studios and banking facilities;
(b) Medical offices;
(c) Clothing service uses including dry cleaning and laundry receiving stations, laundromats, dressmaking, tailoring and shoe repair shop;
(d) Equipment uses including electrical household appliance store, radio, television, recorded music sales, sporting goods and hardware stores;
(e) Food service uses including grocery, meat and fish markets, delicatessen eating places and bakery;
(f) Personal service uses including beauty and barber shops, camera and photographic shops and optician shops;
(g) Professional office uses including clinics;
(h) Retail service uses including drug stores, variety stores, book and stationary stores, news stands, candy and ice cream stores, florists, gift, antique, art, music, toy, hobby shops, paint and wallpaper stores, jewelry and leather stores;
(i) Retail service uses including department stores, furniture, carpet, interior decorating, upholstering stores, office supply stores, restaurants and catering establishments and storage processing and/or conditioning when incidental to any of these uses;
(j) Mortuaries, funeral parlors;
(k) Garden supply centers;
(l) Automobile accessory stores;
(m) Automobile service station uses but not including major body repair, the dismantling or wrecking or the storage of inoperable or damaged vehicles;
(n) Drive-in restaurants;
(o) Public and semi-public buildings;
(p) Off-street parking facilities including parking garages;
(q) Accessory uses which are incidental to or commonly associated with the operation or permitted use;
(r) Automated food distribution warehouse; and/or
(s) Other uses comparable and compatible with those set forth in this section as determined by the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
(3) Lot size. The minimum lot size and dimensions for this District shall be as follows:
(a) Density: The minimum lot size shall be 10,000 square feet; and
(b) Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
(4) Minimum floor area. No single business establishment shall have less than 870 square feet in total gross floor area.
(5) Setback lines. The minimum setback lines for this district shall be as follows.
(a) The front yard setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet measured from the right-of-way line of the road.
(b) The side yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet.
(c) The rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet.
(d) Distance between buildings: In projects containing two or more buildings the minimum distance between all buildings shall be 24 feet.
(6) Height restrictions. The maximum height in a B-1 District shall be as follows:
(a) Primary building: 30 feet; and
(b) Accessory building: 15 feet.
(7) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 75% of the lot area.
(B) B-2 Community and Roadside Business.
(1) Intention of District. The B-2 Business District is intended to provide for highway-oriented business uses offering supplies and services to the general public which are ordinarily located along highways. The B-2 District is a stand-alone district and is not a part of a hierarchy system of zoning. For example, what is permitted in the B-1 District is not permitted in the B-2 District. Only those uses and development standards that are expressly permitted and noted herein apply to the B-2 District.
(2) Conduct of permitted uses. The conduct of permitted uses in a B-2 District shall be within completely enclosed buildings except for accessory uses that are clearly subordinate to the permitted use. Such accessory uses shall not occupy an area in excess of 30% of the total floor area of the main building. Outdoor storage and display of merchandise shall be allowed, but purchase shall be prohibited. Retail establishments providing drive-in services, outdoor sales, service and display of merchandise shall be allowed. All outdoor storage and materials shall be within completely enclosed buildings or effectively screened by a solid wall or fence not less than six feet in height. Storage within such enclosures shall not be in excess of the height of the wall or fence provided that for display of goods, such as automobiles, such wall or fence shall not be less than two feet in height.
(3) Permitted uses. No building structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
(a) Hotels and motels;
(b) Sales, rental and storage of automobiles, campers, recreational vehicles, manufactured homes and boats provided that all service and maintenance work shall be conducted within enclosed buildings;
(c) Special service uses including model home displays, building material sales, vending preparations, food locker plants, auction rooms, plant nursery and greenhouses;
(d) Mini-warehouses;
(e) Transportation facilities and accessory facilities, including but not limited to, waiting rooms, loading and unloading areas, storage and associated commercial uses;
(f) Printing and publishing establishments, blueprinting and photo establishments, radio and television studios;
(g) Limited automobile servicing, when enclosed;
(h) Sales and display rooms for retail and wholesale distribution of goods, materials and products;
(i) Package liquor stores;
(j) Special service uses including children’s homes, daycare facilities, kindergartens and nursing homes;
(k) Public service uses including utility substations, distribution centers, bus stations, police stations, fire stations, post offices, libraries, telephone exchanges, waterworks, pumping stations, assembly halls, vocational and special schools;
(l) Indoor commercial recreational uses including auditorium, theater, bowling alley, billiard rooms, dance studios and amusement facilities;
(m) Commercial recreational uses including golf, amusement parks, drive-in movies, riding stables and other similar outdoor amusement facilities;
(n) Accessory uses which are incidental to or commonly associated with the operation or permitted use;
(o) Feed stores;
(p) Pet stores; and
(q) Other uses comparable and compatible with those set forth in this section as determined by the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
(4) Lot size. The minimum lot size and dimensions for this District shall be as follows:
(a) Density: The minimum lot size shall be two acres; and
(b) Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
(5) Minimum floor area. No single business shall have less than 6,000 square feet in total gross floor area.
(6) Setback lines. The minimum setback lines for this district shall be as follows.
(a) The front yard setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet measured from the right-of-way line of the road.
(b) The side yard setback shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
(c) The rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
(d) Distance between buildings: In projects containing two or more buildings the minimum distance between all buildings shall be 24 feet.
(7) Height restrictions. The maximum height in a B-2 District shall be 40 feet;
(8) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 75% of the lot area.
(C) B-3 General Business.
(1) Intention of District. The B-3 Business District is intended to provide for a general business district where a full range of goods and services are offered at the greatest amount of land use intensity. The B-3 District is a stand-alone district and is not a part of a hierarchy system of zoning. For example, what is permitted in the B-2 District is not permitted in the B-3 District. Only those uses and development standards that are expressly permitted and noted herein apply to the B-3 District.
(2) Conduct of permitted uses. The conduct of permitted uses in a B-3 District shall be within completely enclosed buildings except for accessory uses that are clearly subordinate to the permitted use in area, extent and purpose. Such accessory uses shall not occupy an area in excess of 30% of the total floor area used in the same building or the same firm or enterprise. Outdoor storage and display of merchandise shall be limited to materials that are not immediately available for purchase. Any other storage or display of merchandise must be within an enclosed building.
(3) Permitted uses. No building structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
(a) Night clubs;
(b) Live entertainment venues;
(c) Venues for conducting non-sanctioned sporting events including but not limited to wrestling and boxing;
(d) Pawn shops and “fast” cash business and other similar lending institutions not insured by the FDIC/FSLIC;
(e) Accessory uses which are incidental to or commonly associated with the operation or permitted use; and/or
(f) Other uses comparable and compatible with those set forth in this section as determined by the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
(4) Lot size. The minimum lot size and dimensions for this District shall be as follows:
(a) Density: The minimum lot size shall be three acres; and
(b) Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
(5) Minimum floor area. No single business establishment shall have less than 12,000 square feet in total gross floor area.
(6) Setback lines. The minimum setback lines for this district shall be as follows.
(a) The front yard setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet measured from the right-of-way line of the road.
(b) The side yard setback shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
(c) The rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
(d) Distance between buildings: In projects containing two or more buildings, the minimum distance between all buildings shall be 24 feet.
(7) Height restrictions. The maximum height in a B-3 District shall be as follows:
(a) Primary building: 40 feet; and
(b) The total floor area of the building shall not exceed 50% of the lot area.
(8) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 75% of the lot area.
(Ord. 2003-OR-14, passed 5-8-2003)