(A) In the area of the county, subject to the zoning jurisdiction of the Plan Commission of the city, any person that is the owner of any lot or tract of land who desires to subdivide such land shall proceed as outlined herein. Before any person contracts for or offers to sell any land or lot within a proposed subdivision, approval of the subdivision shall be obtained as described below.
(1) The developer shall submit to the Commission two copies of a preliminary subdivision plat drawn and prepared in accordance with the design standards required by this chapter.
(2) The Commission shall review such preliminary information and, if it meets the requirements set forth in this chapter, approve the same. If the preliminary information does not meet the requirements of this chapter, it shall be rejected, the Commission noting in writing the reasons for rejection. The Commission shall return one copy of the approved plan to the developer noting thereon that the approval of the subdivision is tentative and subject to approval of the final plat and accompanying data.
(3) Upon receipt of the preliminary approval, the developer shall prepare and submit to the Commission final plans for said subdivision. These plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: An accurate plat of the subdivision showing the following:
(a) Property lines;
(b) Lot lines; lot corners;
(c) Roadways;
(d) Easements;
(e) Lot area for each lot;
(f) Building lines;
(g) Storm drainage;
(h) Sanitary sewer drainage;
(i) All utilities, proposed and existing;
(j) Lot numbers;
(k) Roadway names;
(l) North point;
(m) Date;
(o) Scale;
(p) Names of adjoining landowners;
(q) Developer’s name;
(r) Name and certification of engineers and/or surveyors preparing said plat;
(s) All drawings sections and details necessary for construction of roads, walks, drainage, utilities and site grading and any other information pertaining to the subdivision or construction thereof which may have been requested by the Commission; and
(t) The subdivision name.
(4) The developer, in the event of rejection, shall have recourse of appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals as hereinafter outlined in this chapter.
(B) Utilities. All structures shall be attached to public water and sanitary sewer facilities that have been approved by those local, state and federal agencies charged with the licensing, permitting and monitoring of said facilities. Any utilities installed, such as electric, telephone, gas, sewer, water and cable television services shall be installed underground.
(C) Utility plans to be submitted prior to construction.
(1) It is beneficial for efficient and intelligent location of utility facilities that no utility facilities ultimately intended for use as trunk lines, distribution lines, collection lines or mains shall be constructed within the area where these zoning regulations are in effect, without the person owning the facilities or constructing the facilities having first obtained all requisite state-required approvals, in advance.
(2) In addition, proof shall be provided to the city’s Plan Commission that copies of the engineering plans for all utility facilities shall be provided at least 60 days in advance of any construction, to the following entities:
(a) The City Development Coordinator;
(b) The city’s sewage utility;
(c) The city’s Water Department;
(d) The city’s Volunteer Fire Department;
(e) The city’s Board of Public Works and Safety;
(f) The state’s Utility Regulatory Commission;
(g) The state’s Department of Transportation (if the utility facilities are located adjacent to a state-maintained roadway); and
(h) The owners of all real properties upon which the utility facilities are to be located.
(3) In addition to any other penalties that might be imposed, a person or entity failing to comply with this provision shall immediately cease construction of the utility facilities until 60 days after providing proof of providing notice, as required in division (C)(2) above.
(Ord. 2003-OR-13, passed 5-8-2003)