A. When vehicular traffic turning movements are in the direction of the applicable corner, sidewalk access ramps shall be constructed in accordance with standard 2356 of the Illinois department of transportation publication "Highway Standards", as amended, three (3) copies of which said standards have been, for more than thirty (30) days prior to the adoption of the ordinance imposing the requirement of this section, and remain, on file and available for public inspection in the office of the city clerk.
B. When vehicular traffic turning movements are not in the direction of the applicable corner, standard 2566, type B ramp, of the Illinois department of transportation publication, "Highway Standards", as amended, three (3) copies of which said standards have been, for more than thirty (30) days prior to the adoption of the ordinance imposing the requirement of this section, and remain, on file and available for public inspection in the office of the city clerk, may be modified such that the entire curb area along the street or roadway and within or along the ramp proper may be eliminated in part or in whole. (Ord. 79-O-76, 11-20-1979)