A.   The city manager shall be the administrative head of the municipal government and shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to him by statute and such other authority as may be granted by the council. He shall be charged with the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the city insofar as their enforcement is within the powers of the city. (Ord. 2003-O-22, 5-6-2003)
   B.   The city manager shall attend all meetings of the city council and all meetings of the board of zoning appeals and planning. The city manager shall attend such additional meetings as directed by the council. (Ord. 96-O-64, 12-17-1996, eff. 5-6-1997; amd. 2006 Code)
   C.   The city manager shall keep the council informed as to the affairs of the city, and shall recommend to the council such actions as may be necessary or expedient for the welfare of the city. (Ord. 96-O-64, 12-17-1996, eff. 5-6-1997)