(A)   There is hereby established a position within the village which shall be known as the Public Works Department Trustee who shall be a member of the Board of Trustees. The Public Works Department Trustee shall serve as a liaison between the Village Administrator, Director of Public Works and the Corporate Authorities with respect to matters and policies relating to:
      (1)    The care, maintenance and repair of all streets, alleys and storm sewers and the construction of all street improvements, paving, sidewalks, storm sewers, culverts and bridges; and
      (2)   The property of the village, both real and personal.
      (3)   The village water and sanitary sewage works.
      (4)   Telephone, natural gas and electricity franchises and related issues.
   (B)   The Public Works Department Trustee shall make such reports to the Corporate Authorities as may be necessary to keep them informed on all matters pertaining to the Department and shall make recommendations in relation to any such matters as he or she deems proper for action by the Corporate Authorities.
(Ord. 161, passed 3-21-77; Am. Ord. 295, passed 11-2-82; Am. Ord. 596, passed 6-18-90; Am. Ord. 794, passed 3-21-94; Am. Ord. 1039, passed 5-3-99; Am. Ord. 1977, passed 5-20-19)