It shall be prohibited by this code to:
   (A)   Cross U.S. Route 6 (Eames Street);
   (B)   Cross or operate on any frontage road;
   (C)   Operate on Thomas Dillon Drive, Bradley Street, Amoco Road, or Exchange Boulevard;
   (D)   Hansel Road between Rachel Drive and McLindon Road;
   (E)   Ridge Road between U.S. Route 6 (Eames Street) and Hansel Road;
   (F)   Bell Road, north of U.S. Route 6 (Eames Street);
   (G)   Knapp Street;
   (H)   Tryon Street, north of U.S. Route 6;
   (I)   Operate on any street, highway, or road under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation; or the County Highway Department; or under the jurisdiction of another local unit of government or private entity which has not authorized their use;
   (J)   Operate upon any street, highway, or road, or section thereof, not under control of the Village of Channahon; or
   (K)   Operate on any street, highway, or road with a posted speed limit of more than 35 MPH.
(Ord. 2035, passed 11-2-20)