For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BERM. An earthen mound designed to provide visual interest, screen undesirable views, and/or decrease noise.
   BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP). A design or practice employed with the primary objective to minimize adverse water quality impacts, preserve beneficial features on-site, avoid downstream erosion and habitat loss, maintain natural base flows and groundwater recharge, prevent increases to downstream flooding, provide multiple uses of drainage and storm water drainage facilities, and/or provide for the economical, safe, and aesthetically pleasing drainage system for development.
   BUFFER. A combination of physical space and vertical elements, such as plants, berms, fences, or walls, the purpose of which is to separate and screen incompatible land uses from each other.
   CALIPER. A circumferential measurement of a tree's truck recorded six inches above the grade for those trees having a caliper of four inches or less, and 12 inches above grade for those trees with a caliper of above four inches.
   DECIDUOUS. A plant with foliage that is shed annually.
   DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT. A lot abutting two parallel streets, or two streets which do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot.
   DRIP LINE. A circle area that could be drawn on the soil around a tree directly under the tips of the outermost branches.
   EVERGREEN. A plant with foliage that persists and remains green year-round.
   LANDSCAPED AREA. An area which consists of living landscape material.
   LIVING LANDSCAPE. Low growing woody or herbaceous ground cover, turf, shrubs, and trees.
   NATURALIZED LANDSCAPE. Ecologically sensitive landscaping that uses regionally native plant species to create, improve or restore specialized and self-sustaining plant communities (prairie, woodland, etc.).
   OVERSTORY TREE. A self-supporting woody plant having at least one well-defined stem or trunk and normally attaining a mature height and spread of at least 30 feet, and having a trunk that may at maturity, be kept clear of leaves and branches at least eight feet above grade.
   PARKWAY. That portion of village owned property between the curb line, shoulder line, traveled portion of the roadway or alley and the private property line.
   SCREEN. An area of planting which provides an effective visual barrier.
   STREET TREES. Any tree or part of a tree, existing or new planting, including the canopy and root system that lies on or has grown onto or over public property, or in public right- of-way owned by the village.
   TRANSITION YARD. That portion of yard that separates two incompatible uses.
   TREE TOPPING. The severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree's crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree.
   UNDERSTORY TREE. A self supporting woody plant having at least one well-defined stem or trunk or normally attaining a mature height and spread of less than 30 feet with branching less than eight feet above grade.
   VEHICULAR USE AREAS. All areas subject to vehicular traffic including, but not limited to, access ways, driveways, loading areas, service areas, and parking stalls for all types of vehicles. This definition shall not apply to covered parking structures or underground parking lots.
(Ord. 1780, passed 5-5-14)