For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM AGENT. Any person working for an alarm business.
ALARM BUSINESS. Any business or person who engages in the activity of altering, installing, leasing, maintaining, moving, repairing, replacing, selling, servicing or responding to an emergency alarm system or which causes any of these activities to take place.
ALARM USER. Any person or entity who owns or controls any premise where an alarm system is maintained, other than alarm systems on a motor vehicle.
ALARM/ALARM SYSTEM. Any signaling device which is electronically operated and which creates or transmits visual, audible or electronic signals indicating trouble such as burglary, hold-up, lire or other emergency situation but does not include such devices on automobiles.
AUTOMATIC DIGITAL DIALING ALARM EQUIPMENT. An alarm system that has the capability of transmitting digital code signals to an alarm receiving board.
AUTOMATIC VOICE DIALING ALARM EQUIPMENT. An alarm system which automatically sends over regular telephone lines, by direct connect, wireless connection or otherwise, a prerecorded voice message indicating the existence of the emergency situation that the alarm system is designated to detect.
CENTRAL STATION SYSTEM. A system in which the operation of electrical protection circuits and devices are signaled automatically to, recorded in, maintained and supervised from a place of business having trained operators in attendance at all times.
EMERGENCY ANSWERING SERVICE. A telephone answering service providing among its services the job of receiving on a continuous basis through trained employees, emergency signals from alarm systems and thereafter immediately relaying the message by live voice to the P.S.A.P.
FALSE ALARM. The activation of an alarm system through mechanical or electronic failure, malfunction, improper installation or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his or her employees or agents, except that the following shall not be considered FALSE ALARMS:
(1) Alarms caused by the failure or malfunction of the equipment located at the P.S.A.P.;
(2) Alarms occurring on a repeated basis without apparent cause within the first 60 days after installation of the alarm system, and where continuous effort, in the sole opinion of the village Chief of Police or his or her designee, is being made by the alarm user to correct the malfunction expeditiously;
(3) Alarms caused by an attempted or actual illegal entry of which there is visible evidence;
(4) Alarms caused by on-premises fire or smoke;
(5) Alarms intentionally caused by a person acting under a reasonable belief that a need exists to call the Police Department or Fire Department; and
(6) Alarms caused by inclement weather or natural disasters.
HARD WIRE ALARMS. Any alarm system which has the capability of transmitting system signals to and receiving them at a remote location over dedicated lines.
ON-PREMISES ALARM. An alarm system that audibly announces an emergency condition which may or may not be connected to any Central Station System.
POLICE AND FIRE COMPUTERIZED ALARM SYSTEM. The Alarm Monitoring and Control System located in Western Will County Communication Center.
P.S.A.P. Public Safety Answering Point, currently the Western Will County Communication Center.
REGISTERED ALARM BUSINESS. An alarm business that has registered with the village as provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 1643, passed 3-21-11)