(A) The Village President is hereby designated the Local Liquor Control Commissioner and is charged with the administration of this chapter and the Liquor Control Act, ILCS Ch. 235, Act 5 § 1-2 et seq., as the same now exists or may be hereafter amended, and of such other ordinances and resolutions relating to alcoholic liquor as may be needed. The Village President may appoint a person or persons to assist him in the exercise of the power and performances of the duties provided for such Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
(Ord. 337, passed 12-5-83)
(B) In addition to any other powers conferred by the state or the village, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall have the power and authority to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction any decision of the Illinois Liquor Control Commissioner which either reverses or modifies any ruling or decision of the Local Commissioner.
(Ord. 563, passed 12-4-89)