In case the license requested shall be for an activity of a transitory nature, including, but not limited to, circus, carnivals, street shows or other activities which, in the judgment of the Village President with the advice of the License Investigator may cause the accumulation of litter, debris or other undesirable accumulation of material on the site after the conclusion of the activity, the Village President may in addition to the other requirements of this chapter, require the posting of a bond in an amount of not less than $100 nor more than $500, sufficient to guarantee the clean-up and restoration of the site following the conclusion of activities. Bond shall be approved by the Village President and filed with the Village Clerk. Bonds shall be returned to the licensee when the License Investigator certifies to the Village President that the area has been cleaned and restored to its prior condition.
(Ord. 520, passed 6-9-89)