The Village Treasurer shall be appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Board. The Treasurer shall hold office concurrently with the term of the Village President or until his successor is duly appointed and qualified unless sooner removed. The Treasurer shall be compensated in such an amount as is from time to time established by the Corporate Authorities. The Village Treasurer shall be the custodian of all village funds and shall keep a true and correct account of all monies belonging to the village. At the end of each month and at the end of each fiscal year the Treasurer shall render an account under oath to the Corporate Authorities showing the state of the village treasury on the date of the account, the balance of money in the treasury, a statement of all money received into the treasury, and on what account, together with a statement of all disbursements made. Provided, further, the Treasurer shall perform all such duties as are from time to time set forth by the President and Board of Trustees and the Illinois Municipal Code.
(Ord. 161, passed 3-21-77; Am. Ord. 770, passed 8-30-93)