Traffic shall yield at the following streets where indicated by yield signs:
Street | Yields at | Ord. No. | Date
Street | Yields at | Ord. No. | Date
Allison Drive (eastbound) | Lyndsay Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Andrew Avenue (eastbound) | Carrie Avenue | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Bayberry Court (westbound) | Bayberry Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Bayberry Drive (southbound) | Evergreen Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Bayberry Drive (northbound) | Winding Oak Trail | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Blue Ash Court (eastbound) | Justin Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Bluebell Court (westbound) | Justin Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Bluff Street (eastbound) | Fryer Street | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Brookside Court (northbound) | Mallard Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Cache Isle Circle (eastbound) | Justin Drive (northerly intersection) | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Cache Isle Circle (eastbound) | Justin Drive (southerly intersection) | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Cherokee Trail (westbound) | River Trail | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Cobblestone Lane (eastbound) | Woodrush Way | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Colleen Court (westbound) | River Trail | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Crowfoot Lane (eastbound) | Blackhawk Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Cypress Drive (northbound) | Locust Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Deer Creek Court (southbound) | Sylvan Meadow Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Dorothy Court (westbound) | Rachel Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Edinburg Court (northbound) | Wedgewood Lane | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Elsie Street (southbound and northbound) | McCowan Street | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Fawn Lake Court (eastbound) | Mallard Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Forest Edge Drive (westbound) | Shady Glen Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Forest Edge Drive (northbound) | Timber Ridge Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Francis Way (southbound) | Patricia Lane | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Golden Fox Trail (eastbound) | Indian Creek Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Goldfinch Court (northbound) | Quail Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Great Oaks Drive (westbound) | Overland Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Green Heron Drive (northbound and southbound) | Turnstone Boulevard | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Hansel Road (westbound) | Bell Road | 1142 | 8-21-00 |
High Ridge Drive (northbound)
Red Wing Lane
Highland Court (southbound) | Highland Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Ian Court (eastbound) | Lyndsay Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Joliet Street (eastbound and westbound) | Willard Street | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Justin Drive (northbound) | Orchid Lane | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Karl Avenue (eastbound and westbound) | Joseph Avenue | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Kathey Drive (westbound) | Michael Drive (north junction) | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Keating Boulevard (southbound)
Deer Hollow Lane
Lily Lake Lane (southbound) | Overland Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Locust Drive (eastbound) | Red Oak Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Lone Tree Court (eastbound) | Mallard Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Lookout Point Court (westbound) | Arbor Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Macura Street (westbound) | Keating Boulevard | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Macura Street (eastbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Macura Street (westbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Magnolia Lane (facing north) | Erin Isle | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Majestic Drive (southbound) | Chipwood Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Majestic Drive (northbound) | Northcrest Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
McKinley Woods Road (northbound) | Timber Ridge Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Megan Drive (eastbound) | Rachel Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Misty Meadow Drive (facing east) | Deer Path | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Municipal Drive (eastbound) | North Illinois | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Navajo Drive (northbound) | Iroquois Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Navajo Drive (northbound) | Liberty Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Old Farm Court (southbound) | Old Farm Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Old Farm Trail (eastbound) | White Oak Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Old Farm Trail (westbound) | Indian Creek Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Overland Court (westbound) | Overland Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Park Place Drive (northbound) | Jonathon Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Penn Lane (eastbound) | Kathy Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Penn Lane (westbound) | Park Place Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Pheasant Lane (northbound) | Saxony Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Porto Lane (westbound) | Keating Boulevard | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Porto Lane (eastbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Prairie Court (eastbound) | Westwood Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Pueblo Drive (eastbound) | Navajo Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Quail Drive (northbound) | Valley Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Raintree Court (westbound) | Winding Oak Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Red Wing Lane (eastbound and westbound)
Rivers Plaza Drive
River Trail (northbound) | Potawatomie Trail | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Riverbend Road (westbound) | Cobblestone Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Rivers Plaza Drive (southbound)
Deer Hollow Lane
S. Willard Street (northbound) |
W. St. Elizabeth Drive
S. Willard Street (southbound) |
W. St. Elizabeth Drive
Samantha Court (southbound) | Kimberly Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Sandy Knoll Drive (westbound) | McKinley Woods Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Sandy Knoll Drive (eastbound) | Shady Glen Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Shady Glen Drive (northbound) | Timber Ridge Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Silver Stream Drive (southbound) | Ravine Woods Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Silver Stream Drive (eastbound) | Sylvan Meadow Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Squire Lane (northbound) | Cobblestone Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Squire Lane (eastbound) | Woodrush Way | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Stonechase Court (eastbound) | Copper Leaf Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Stoney Brook Court (southbound) | Ravine Woods Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Sylvan Meadow Drive (southbound) | Ravine Woods Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Tall Tree Court (northbound) | Ravine Woods Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Teal Drive (eastbound) | Edwin Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Teal Drive | Quail Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Tree Ridge Court (northbound) | Valley Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
W. St. Peters Drive (southbound) |
W. St. Elizabeth Drive
W. Town Center Circle
S. Willard Street
Wedgewood Lane (eastbound) | Waterford Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
White Oak Trail (southbound) | Wild Rose Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Wild Rose Drive (eastbound) | Bayberry Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Wilderness Court (southbound) | Arbor Lane | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Winding Oak Trail (eastbound/west bound) | White Oak Trail | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Winding Oak Trail (westbound) | Wild Rose Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |