(A)   The planned unit development plans and supporting data shall include the information set forth in this section, unless waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission:
   (B)   Pre-application state.
      (1)   Data regarding site conditions, available community facilities and utilities, existing covenants and other related information.
      (2)   A drawing in simple sketch form showing the proposed location and extent of the land uses, streets, lots and other features.
      (3)   A property survey and legal description of the site proposed for development.
   (C)   Preliminary plat stage.
      (1)   Detailed plan. A drawing of the planned unit development shall be prepared at a scale of not less than one-inch equals 100 feet and shall show such designations as proposed streets (public and private), all buildings and their use, common open space, recreation facilities, parking areas, service areas and other facilities to indicate the character of the proposed development. The submission may be composed of one or more sheets and drawings and shall include:
         (a)   Boundary lines. Bearings and distances.
         (b)   Easements. General location, width and purpose.
         (c)   Streets on and adjacent to the tract. Street name, right-of-way width, existing or proposed centerline elevations, pavement type, walks, curbs, gutters, culverts and the like.
         (d)   Utilities on and adjacent to the tract. Location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone lines, and street lights; direction and distance to and size of nearest useable water mains and sewers adjacent to the tract showing invert elevation of sewers.
         (e)   Ground elevations on the tract. For land that slopes less than 0.5%, show one foot contours; show spot elevations at all breaks in grates, along all drainage channels or swales, and at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions; for land that slopes more than 0.5%, show two-foot contours.
         (f)   Subsurface conditions on the tract, if required by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Location and results of tests made to generally ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions; depth to ground water unless test pits are dry at a depth of five feet; location and results of soil percolation tests if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed.
         (g)   Other conditions on the tract. Water courses, flood plains, marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter, houses, barns, accessory buildings, and other significant features.
         (h)   Other conditions on adjacent land. Approximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; character and location of major buildings, railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby nonresidential land uses or adverse influences, owners of adjacent unplatted land; for adjacent platted land refer to subdivision plat by name, and show approximate percent built-up, typical lot size and dwelling type.
         (i)   Zoning on and adjacent to the tract.
         (j)   Proposed public improvements. Highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.
         (k)   Open space. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved for the use of all property owners with the purpose indicated.
         (l)   General location, purpose, and height, in feet or stories, of each building other than single-family residences on individually platted lots.
         (m)   Map data. Name of development, north point, and scale, date of preparation, and acreage of site.
         (n)    Miscellaneous. Such additional information as may be required by the Director of Community Development or Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (2)   Character. Explanation of the character of the planned development and the manner in which it has been planned to take advantage of the flexibility of these regulations.
      (3)   Ownership. Statement of present and proposed ownership of all land within the project, including present tract designation according to official records in offices of the County Recorder.
      (4)   Names. The names and addresses of the persons to whom the notice of the hearing to be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission should be sent if the applicant expects to complete the required hearing letters per section § 156.203.
      (5)   Schedule. Development schedule indicating:
         (a)   Stages in which project will be built with emphasis on area, density, use and public facilities such as open space to be developed with each stage. Overall design of each stage shall be shown on the plat and through supporting graphic material.
         (b)   Estimated dates for beginning and completion of each stage.
         (c)   If different land use types are to be included within the planned unit development, the schedule must include the mix of uses to be built in each stage.
      (6)   Covenants. Proposed agreements, provisions, or covenants which will govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planned development and any of its common open space.
      (7)   Density. Provide information on the density of residential uses and the number of dwelling units by type.
      (8)   Nonresidential use. Provide information on the type and amount of ancillary and nonresidential uses in a residential development.
      (9)   Service facilities. Provide information on all service facilities and off-street parking facilities.
      (10)   Architectural plans. Preliminary architectural plans for all primary buildings shall be submitted in sufficient detail to permit an understanding of the style of the development, the design of the building, and the number, size and type of dwelling units.
      (11)   Facilities plans. Preliminary plans for:
         (a)   Roads including classification, width of right-of-way, width of pavement and typical construction details.
         (b)   Sanitary sewers.
         (c)   Storm drainage.
         (d)   Water supply system.
         (e)   Lighting program.
      (12)   Need. Provide an economic feasibility study of the proposed development, including information on land utilization and marketing potential.
      (13)   Traffic. Analysis of traffic impact.
   (D)   Final plat state.
      (1)   Final detailed plan. A final Plat, suitable for recording with the County Recorder of Deeds shall be prepared. The purpose of the planned unit development plat is to designate with particularity the land subdivided into conventional lots as well as the division of other land, not so treated, into common open areas and building areas. The final planned unit development plat shall be in accord with § 154.122.
      (2)   Common open space documents. All common open space shall be either conveyed to a municipal or public corporation, conveyed to a not-for-profit corporation or entity established for the purpose of benefitting the owners and residents of the planned development or retained by the developer with legally binding guarantees, in a form approved by the Village Attorney, that the common open space will be permanently preserved as open area. All land conveyed to a not-for-profit corporation or like entity, shall be subject to the right of the corporation to impose a legally enforceable lien for maintenance and improvement of the common open space.
      (3)   Public facilities. All public facilities and improvements made necessary as a result of the planned unit development shall be either constructed in advance of the approval of the final plat or escrow deposits or performance bonds posted to guarantee construction of the required improvements.
      (4)   Guarantee deposit. Prior to the recording of the final plat, an improvement completion guarantee shall be posted in accord with § 154.122(D) months, the deposit shall be refunded if no defects have developed, or if any defects have developed, then the balance of such deposit shall be refunded after reimbursement for amounts expended in correcting defective facilities.
      (5)   Covenants. Final agreements, provisions or covenants which will govern the use, maintenance and continued protection of the planned unit development.
(Ord. 95, passed 4-5-71; Am. Ord. 2141, passed 12-18-23)