(A)   Purpose.  
      (1)   To establish a zoning district in which agriculture and certain related uses are encouraged as principal and primary uses of the land.
      (2)   To preserve fertile tillable soils as a most valuable natural resource.
      (3)   To guard and protect sociological relationships that are a necessary part of the lives and well-being of rural people in partnership with nature.
      (4)   To preserve and protect the fundamental relationship that exists between successful agricultural efforts and the inherent natural and man-made characteristics of the land.
      (5)   To provide vast open areas which contribute to the stability of the environment; relief from urban blight and enhance air and water quality.
      (6)   To preserve a continuing food supply close to markets for residents of the village and region as well as the world.
   (B)   Policy. To achieve the purposes of the agricultural district, it shall be the policy of the village:
      (1)   To allow only those uses of land which are clearly and primarily best suited for agricultural purposes within the A-1 Zoning District.
      (2)   To prevent admixtures of urban and rural land uses which create or tend to create conflicts and incompatibilities which directly or indirectly impose unbalanced tax loads on agriculture and which require urban services which in turn contribute to the premature termination and eventual elimination of agricultural uses.
   (C)   Uses permitted. No land shall be used or occupied, and no building, structure or premises shall be erected, altered, enlarged, occupied or uses, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, for other than one or more of the following specified uses:
      (1)   Agricultural uses.
         (a)   Farming, crop and tree farming, truck farming, horticulture, forestry, gardening, dairy farming, stock raising, domestic animals and poultry breeding and raising, together with the operation of any machinery or vehicles incidental to the above uses.
         (b)   Research and/or experimental farm.
         (c)   Greenhouses, sale of products produced on premises.
         (d)   Nurseries, sale of products produced on premises.
      (2)   Residential uses.
         (a)   Farm homestead and one additional dwelling for the immediate family of the farm owner or operator of the same parcel.
         (b)   Two family dwellings of the farm owner or operator and his or her immediate family.
         (c)   Single-family detached dwelling.
         (d)   Monasteries, nurseries, religious retreats.
      (3)   Public, quasi-public and governmental buildings and facilities.
         (a)   Public parks, public playgrounds, public golf courses and public community center buildings.
         (b)   Parish houses and convents.
         (c)   Churches.
         (d)   Cemeteries.
         (e)   Forest preserves.
         (f)   Governmental military reservations.
         (g)   Essential services - gas regulatory stations, telephone exchanges, electric substations and cable television antennas.
         (h)   Man-made lakes, waterways and hydraulic power plants.
      (4)   Commercial uses.
         (a)   Sale of farm supplies by farmers as agents where elevators or similar commercial facilities are not maintained on the farm premises.
         (b)   Agricultural implement sales and services on ten acres or less but not on less than five acres.
   (D)   Special uses permitted. The following uses may be permitted only if specifically authorized by the Village Board as allowed in § 156.199.
      (1)   Similar and compatible uses to those allowed as permitted uses in this district.
      (2)   Convalescent or nursing home.
      (3)   School or colleges.
      (4)   Hospitals, clinics and sanitariums.
      (5)   Airports, public or private, in conformance with the Federal Aviation Agency standards.
      (6)   Mining and/or the extraction of minerals, sand, gravel, topsoil or other aggregates, including equipment, buildings or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing or storage provided that:
         (a)   No open pit or shaft will be less than 200 feet from any public road or 50 feet from any side and rear property line.
         (b)   All buildings or structures shall be located not less than 200 feet from any property line.
         (c)   The borders of the property shall be fenced with a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height when the property is adjacent to or across the street from any district other than an industrial district.
         (d)   A plan of development of the reclamation of the land shall be provided as part of the application for special use as required by state law.
         (e)   No blasting or other uses of explosives is permitted.
      (7)   Grain storage, when not accessory to the pursuit of agriculture.
      (8)   Fertilizer and seed sales, including bulk storage and mixing.
      (9)   Animal feed - preparation, grinding, mixing and storage.
      (10)   Feed yards.
      (11)   Hunting, fishing, game preserves and recreational clubs or camps.
      (12)   Manufacture, storage, sale or utilization of detonable materials in excess of five pounds.
      (13)   Central sewage treatment plant.
      (14)   Sale barn.
      (15)   Railroad right-of-way and passenger stations, but not including railroad yards and shops.
      (16)   Flood plaint development.
      (17)   Riding stable.
   (E)   Temporary permit uses permitted. Upon application to and issuance by the Village Board of a permit thereof, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses.
      (1)   Temporary building, trailer or yard for construction materials and/or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the zoning district. Each permit shall specify the location of both building, or trailer yard and the area of permitted operation. Each such permit shall be valid for a period of not more than six calendar months and shall not be renewed for more than four successive periods at the same location.
      (2)   Temporary office, both incidental and necessary for the sale or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each such permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
      (3)   Real estate subdivision sign not to exceed 100 square feet for each fact. Each permit shall specify the location of the sign. Each such permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year and shall not be renewed for more than five successive periods at the same location.
      (4)   Residential trailer to be used during the construction of a residence and not to exceed one year with permits required every six months not to exceed one year.
      (5)   Bazaar or dance, provided, however, that each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than seven days, and provided, further, that a period of at least 90 days shall intervene between the termination of one permit and the issuance of another permit for the same location.
      (6)   Christmas tree sales; each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than 60 days.
   (F)   Accessory uses permitted. Accessory uses, buildings or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted or special use may be permitted, provided that they are operated and maintained under the same ownership, on the same parcel, and do not include structural features inconsistent with the permitted use for special use. Accessory uses may include:
      (1)   Garages, carports or other parking spaces for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises.
      (2)   Home occupations.
      (3)   Living quarters for persons employed on the premises, and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling.
      (4)   Swimming pools, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests, and set back from every property line at least ten feet and not located in the front yard.
      (5)   Real estate signs, not exceeding 12 square feet for each face and set back from every property line at least ten feet.
      (6)   Gardening (the raising of vegetables and fruits) and keeping of household pets exclusively for the use or personal enjoyment of residents of the premises and not for commercial purposes.
      (7)   Roadside stands, for the sale of produce and poultry grown and raised on or in the immediate area of the premises, but not including dead animals, and provided that such stand shall contain not more than 200 square feet of floor area. Such stands or produce offered for sale shall be located not less than 25 feet from the nearest edge of pavement, provided that they shall be placed at such location only during the harvest season of produce offered for sale. Each roadside stand shall have facilities, approved by the Village Board, for vehicular ingress and egress, and adequate off-street parking.
      (8)   Air-inflated and air-supported structures, excluding temporary inflatable playground structures.
   (G)   Prohibited uses. All uses not expressly authorized in division (C), (D), (E) and (F) of this section.
   (H)   Site and structure requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area. A separate ground area of not less than ten acres shall be designated, provided, and continuously maintained for each structure of land containing a permitted or special use.
      (2)   Minimum lot width. A minimum lot width of 660 feet shall be provided for each lot used for a permitted or special use.
      (3)   Front yard. All structures shall be set back at least 75 feet from the front lot line.
      (4)   Side yard. All structures shall be set in a distance of not less than 50 feet.
      (5)   Rear yard. All structure shall be set in a distance of not less than 50 feet from the rear lot line.
      (6)   Maximum height. No principal structure shall exceed 35 feet in height, and no accessory structure shall exceed 20 feet in height above principal structure.
      (7)   Floor area ratio. Not to exceed .2.
      (8)   Minimum size of dwelling. Each single family detached dwelling and any other structure occupied in whole or in part for residential purposes shall contain at least 1,200 square feet of livable floor area, exclusive of basement or garage space.
   (I)   Special provisions.
      (1)   Parking requirements. In accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in §§ 156.150 through 156.151.
      (2)   Sign requirements. In accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in §§ 156.160 through 156.177.
      (3)   Farm buildings. Farm buildings and structures, except for residences and garages on parcels over ten acres in size shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter when used for the agricultural purposes intended. However, the front yard requirements shall be adhered to.
(Ord. 95, passed 4-5-71; Am. Ord. 404, passed 3-3-86; Am. Ord. 1352, passed 9-7-04; Am. Ord. 1501, passed 8-20-07)