§ 156.070 PURPOSE.
   The Commercial District regulations are intended to govern the location, intensity, and method of development of the business and commercial uses needed to serve the citizens of the village and its trade area. The regulations of each district are designed to provide for groupings of business and commercial uses that are compatible in scope of services and method of operations. All business uses are contained in the following seven business district classifications:
   C-1 Local Shopping District.
   C-2 Community Shopping District.
   C-3 General Business District.
   C-4 Automotive Service District.
   C-S Office/Transitional District.
   C-6 Office and Research Park District.
   C-7 Day-Care and Professional Office District.
(Ord. 95, passed 4-5-71; Am. Ord. 584, passed 5-7-90)