Traffic shall stop at the following streets where indicated by stop signs:
Street | Stops at | Ord. No. | Date |
Street | Stops at | Ord. No. | Date |
Aaron Court (westbound) | McKinley Woods Road | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Access Drive (eastbound) | Yellow Pine Drive (Southern Crossings) | 1444 | 11-20-06 |
Access Drive (westbound) | Yellow Pine Drive (Southern Crossings) | 1444 | 11-20-06 |
Access Drive (westbound) | Ridge Road (Southern Crossings Unit 2) | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Allison Drive (westbound) | Jacob Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Andrew Avenue (westbound) | Carrie Avenue | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Anna Drive (westbound) | Michael Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Arbor Lane (westbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Ascot Court (facing south) | Fox Trail | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Basswood Drive (northbound/south bound) | Yellow Pine Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Bell Road (facing north) | Hansel Road | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Bell Road (facing south) | Route 6 | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Birch Street (westbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Blackberry Street (northbound) | Bridge Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Blackhawk Drive (facing south) | Mohawk Lane | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Blue Ridge Court (eastbound/westb ound) | Rock Ridge Court | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Blue Ridge Court (eastbound /westbound) | Valley Drive | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluebird Court (southbound) | South Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluebird Drive (facing south) | Meadowlark Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Bluegrass Drive (westbound) | Ridge Road | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Bluff Ridge Court (southbound) | Valley Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Bluff Road (westbound) | Canal Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluff Road (westbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluff Street (eastbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluff Street (eastbound and westbound) | Fryer Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Bluff Street (eastbound and westbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Boardwalk Place (northbound) | Jonathon Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Boardwalk Place (eastbound) | Park Place Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Bridge Street (westbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Brookfield Lane (facing west) | Woodrush Way | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Buell Street (eastbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Buell Street (eastbound and westbound) | Fryer Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Buell Street (eastbound and westbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Burr Road (eastbound) | Edwin Drive North | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Burr Road (eastbound) | Edwin Drive South | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Canal Road (eastbound and westbound) | Carrie Avenue | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Canal Street (northbound and southbound) | Bridge Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Canal Street (northbound and southbound) | Front Street | 515 | 6-5-89 |
Canal Street (northbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Canal Street (northbound and southbound) | Story Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Cardinal Drive (southbound) | South Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Carrie Avenue (northbound and southbound) | Andrew Avenue | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Carrie Avenue (northbound and southbound) | Canal Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Carrie Avenue (northbound and southbound) | McClintock Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Carrie Avenue | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Center Street (northbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Central Park (exit) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Channon Drive (southbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Channon Drive (westbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Channon Drive (eastbound and westbound) | Willard Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Cherokee Trail | Ford Road | 700 | 3-2-92 |
Cherokee Trail (eastbound) | Potawatomie Trail | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Cherokee Trail (eastbound) | River Trail | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Cherry Street (southbound) | Bridge Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Chipwood Drive | Ford Road | 700 | 3-2-92 |
Cobblestone Lane (eastbound and westbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Copper Leaf Drive (northbound) | U.S. Route 6 | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Cree Drive (northbound) | Iroquois Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Cree Drive (southbound) | Liberty Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Cree Drive (southbound) | Sioux Drive | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Cree Drive (northbound and southbound) | Tow Path Lane | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Cricket Court (facing east) | Fieldstone Path | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Crowfoot Lane (westbound) | Ford Road | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Cypress Road (northbound) | Locust Road | 1400 | 9-19-05 |
Deal (northbound and southbound) | Canal Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Deer Path (facing west and east) | Steeple Run | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Devon Drive | Patricia Lane | 654 | 6-3-91 |
Donna (northbound) | Canal Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Dove Drive (facing east) | Green Heron | 1273 | 1-20-03 |
Dove Drive (facing west) | Green Heron | 1273 | 1-20-03 |
Drake Drive (westbound) | Plainview Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Drake Drive (eastbound) | Ridge Road | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
DuPage Drive (northbound) | Blackhawk Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Eastwood Court (facing south) | Lauren Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Eastwood Drive (northbound) | Highland Drive | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Eastwood Drive (facing south) | Lauren Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Edwin Drive | Bluff Road | 700 | 3-2-92 |
Edwin Drive (northbound and southbound) | Burr Road South | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Edwin Drive (northbound and southbound) | Hummingbird Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Egret Drive (eastbound) | Edwin Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Egret Drive (southbound) | Hummingbird Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Elm Street (westbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Elsie Street (northbound) | Knapp Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Erin Isle (facing west) | Evergreen Lane | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Evergreen Lane (facing north) | Old Kerry Grove | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Evergreen Lane (eastbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Essex Drive (eastbound) | Kent Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Fieldstone Court (facing north) | Tallgrass Trail | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Fieldstone Path (facing north) | Brookfield Lane | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Fieldstone Path (facing south) | Tallgrass Trail | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Fox Creek Drive (westbound) | Yellow Pine Drive (north and south junction) | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Fox Trail (facing west) | Bell Road | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Frances Court | Francis Way | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Francis Way (facing north) | Patricia Lane | 935 | 1-20-97 |
Front Street (eastbound and southbound) | Canal Street | 515 | 6-5-89 |
Front Street (westbound) | Fryer Street | 558 | 11-6-89 |
Frontage Road (westsouthbound and westnorthbound) | Bluff Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Frontage Road (eastnorthbound and westnorthbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Frontage Road (eastsouthbound and westsouthbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Fryer Street (northbound and southbound) | Bridge Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Fryer Street (northbound and southbound) | Bluff Street | 654 | 6-3-91 |
Fryer Street (northbound and southbound) | Front Street | 515 | 6-5-89 |
Fryer Street (northbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Golden Fox Trail (westbound) | Hansel Road | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Goldfinch Court | 481 | 9-14-88 | |
Green Heron (northbound and southbound) | South Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Hansel Road (eastbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Harriet Drive | Patricia Lane | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Hemlock Drive (eastbound and westbound) | Yellow Pine Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Highland Drive (facing south) | Kimberly Lane | 1302 | 6-2-03 |
Highland Drive (westbound) | McKinley Woods Road | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Howard Court (southbound) | River Trail | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Hummingbird Drive (eastbound) | Edwin Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Hummingbird Drive (westbound) | Valley Drive | 600 | 7-2-90 |
Illinois Drive (westbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Iroquois Drive (southbound) | Liberty Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Iroquois Drive (northbound and southbound) | Tow Path Lane | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Iroquois Drive (facing south) | Sioux Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Ivy Lane (southbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Jacob Drive (facing north) | Kimberly Lane | 1302 | 6-2-03 |
Jacob Drive (northbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Jessup Street (eastbound and westbound) | Canal Street | 481; 732 | 9-14-88 |
Jessup Street (eastbound and westbound) | Fryer Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Jessup Street (eastbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Joliet Street (eastbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Joliet Street (westbound) | Center Street | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Joliet Street (westbound) | Sage Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Joliet Street (eastbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Jonathon Drive (northbound) | McClintock Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Jonathon Drive (southbound) | Route 6 | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Joseph Street (northbound and southbound) | Canal Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Junior Avenue (eastbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Justin Drive (southbound) | Kimberly Lane | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Justin Drive (northbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Justin Drive (southbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Kathey Drive (northbound) | Michael Drive (south junction) | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Keating Boulevard (northbound) | U.S. Route 6 | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Keating Boulevard (northbound and southbound)
Red Wing Lane
Kent Road (northbound) | McClintock Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Killian Drive (eastbound) | Ridge Road | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Kimberly Lane (eastbound and westbound) | Highland Drive | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Kimberly Lane (northbound) | Jacob Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Knapp (eastbound and westbound) | 481 | 9-14-88 | |
Lauren Drive (facing east) | Kimberly Lane | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Lauren Drive (facing west) | McKinley Woods Road | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Lauren Drive (facing east and west) | Overland Drive | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Leslie Drive (westbound) | Eastwood Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Leslie Drive (eastbound) | Highland Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Liberty Drive (facing west) | Navajo Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Locust Road (eastbound/westb ound) | Cypress Road | 1400 | 9-19-05 |
Locust Drive (westbound) | Yellow Pine Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Lone Tree Court (westbound) | Mallard Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Lyndsay Drive (northbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Lyndsay Drive (westbound) | Jacob Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Mallard Drive (eastbound) | Yellow Pine Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Manor Lane (northbound) | Route 6 | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Maple Street (westbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Marble Road (southbound) | Liberty Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
May Street (eastbound and westbound) | Parkside Drive | 481 | 9-14-88 |
McClintock (eastbound and westbound) | Michael Drive | 764 | 7-6-93 |
McClintock (westbound) | Thomas Dillon Drive | 481 | 9-14-88 |
McCowan (eastbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
McDonald Drive (southbound) | Penn Lane | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
McKinley Woods Road (southbound) | Route 6 | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
McMillin Drive (eastbound) | Canal Road | 820 | 10-3-94 |
McMillin Drive (westbound) | Navajo Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Meadowlark Drive (eastbound and westbound) | Navajo Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Meadowlark Drive (northbound) | Pawnee Lane | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Melissa Drive (northbound) | Highland Drive (south junction) | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Melissa Drive (eastbound) | Highland Drive (north junction) | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Michael | Francis Way | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Michael Drive (southbound) | Francis Way | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Michael Drive (southbound) | McClintock Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Michael | Patricia Lane | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Misty Meadow Drive (facing west) | Bell Road | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Mohawk Lane (facing west) | Meadowlark Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Navajo Drive (facing south) | Sioux Drive | 1302 | 6-2-03 |
Navajo Drive (facing south) | Sioux Drive | 1302 | 6-2-03 |
Navajo Drive (facing south) | Towpath Lane | 1275 | 2-17-03 |
Navajo Drive (facing north) | Towpath Lane | 1275 | 2-17-03 |
North Street (eastbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
North Street (westbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Northcrest Drive | Ford Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Oakridge Court (westbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Old Kerry Grove (facing west) | McKinley Woods Road | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Old Kerry Grove (eastbound) | Jacob Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Old Kerry Grove (westbound) | Jacob Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Old Kerry Grove (eastbound) | Justin Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Old Kerry Grove (westbound) | Justin Drive | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Old Stage Lane | Hansel Road | 1497 | 8-6-07 |
Orchid Lane (westbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Overland Drive (facing north and south) | Lauren Drive | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Overland Drive (facing south) | Old Kerry Grove | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Park Place Drive | Jonathon Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
(eastbound and south) | 857 | 8-7-95 | |
Parkside Drive (northbound) | Bridge Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Patricia Lane (northbound) | McClintock Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Patricia Lane (northbound) | McClintock Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Patricia Lane | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Pawnee Lane | Bluff Street | 1142 | 8-21-00 |
Pawnee Lane (westbound) | Navajo Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Pawnee Lane (eastbound and westbound) | Seneca Lane | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Pheasant Lane (northbound) | U.S. Route 6 | 1444 | 11-20-06 |
Pheasant Lane (southbound) | Route 6 | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Plainview Drive (eastbound) | Bluegrass Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Potawatomie Trail (northeastbound) | Ford Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Peak Drive | Edwin Drive | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Peak Drive (eastbound) | West Frontage Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Pine Street (westbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Pueblo Drive (southbound) | Liberty Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Pueblo Drive (northbound and southbound) | Tow Path Lane | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Quail Drive (northbound) | Hummingbird Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Quail Drive | Valley Drive | 600 | 7-2-90 |
Quail Drive (eastbound) | Valley Drive | 1362 | 8-1-05 |
Rachael Drive (northbound) | Hansel Road | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Ravine Woods Drive (westbound) | Bell Road | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Red Stable Lane (facing east) | Bridal Path | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Red Stable Lane (facing south) | 999 | 10-19-98 | |
Red Wing Lane (eastbound)
Ridge Road
Red Wing Lane (westbound)
Keating Boulevard
Reed Street (facing west and east) | Willard Street | 890 | 2-5-96 |
River Bluff Drive (northbound) | Highland Drive | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
River Trail (westbound) | Ford Road | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Riverbend Road (eastbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Rivers Plaza Drive (northbound) | U.S. Route 6 | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Rivers Plaza Drive (northbound) | Three Gables Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Riverside Drive | Northwest | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Roberts Avenue (eastbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Robin Court (northbound and southbound) | Turnstone Boulevard | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Rock Ridge Court (northbound and southbound) | Blue Ridge Court | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Rock Ridge Court (northbound and southbound) | Valley Drive | 481; 732 | 9-14-88 |
Sage Street (northbound and southbound) | Bluff Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Sage Street (southbound) | Buell Street | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Sage Street (northbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
St. Elizabeth Drive | Tryon Street | 1497 | 8-6-07 |
St. Paul Avenue | Channon Drive | 1497 | 8-6-07 |
Sandpiper Drive (northbound) | South Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Sandpiper Drive (southbound) | Turnstone Boulevard | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Saxony Drive (westbound) | Ridge Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Senaca Lane (northbound) | McMillin Drive | 820 | 10-3-94 |
Senaca Lane (southbound) | Meadowlark Drive | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Senaca Lane (northbound and southbound) | Pawnee Lane | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Settler's Drive (southbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Settler's Court (northbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1435 | 8-7-06 |
Shady Glen Drive (southbound) | U.S. Route 6 | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Short Street (southeastbound) | Frontage Road | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Sioux Drive (west and east) | Navajo Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
South Street (eastbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Spruce Street (westbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Spur Court (facing east) | Red Stable | 999 | 10-19-98 |
Steve Rittof (southeastbound) | Moorman Avenue | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Steve Rittof | Route 6 | 700 | 3-2-92 |
Story Street (eastbound and westbound) | Canal Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Story Street (eastbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Story Street (eastbound and westbound) | Fryer Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Story Street (eastbound and westbound) | Tryon Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Summit Road (westbound) | Edwin Drive North | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Summit Road (eastbound) | W. Frontage Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Sunset Drive (southbound) | Roberts Avenue | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Sussex Drive (eastbound) | Kent Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Sycamore Drive (northbound) | Yellow Pine Drive | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Tallgrass Court (facing south) | Tallgrass Trail | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Tallgrass Trail (facing east) | Bell Road | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Tallgrass Trail (facing east) | Woodrush Way | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Teal Drive (southbound) | Quail Drive | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Three Gables Drive (westbound) | Keating Boulevard | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Three Gables Drive (westbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Three Gables Drive (eastbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive (westernmost intersection) | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Three Gables Drive (eastbound) | Ridge Road | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Three Gables Drive (eastbound) | Rivers Plaza Drive (easternmost intersection) | 1438 | 8-21-06 |
Tonka Avenue | Steve Rittof Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Tow Path Lane (eastbound) | Navajo Drive | 732 | 10-5-92 |
Tree Ridge Court | 481 | 9-14-88 | |
Tree Ridge Court (southbound) | Valley Drive | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Tryon Street (northbound) | Jessup | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Tryon Street (southbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Tryon Street (southbound) | Knapp Street turn | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Tryon Street (northbound and southbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Tryon Street (northbound and southbound) | Story Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Turnstone Boulevard (eastbound and westbound) | Robin Court | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Turnstone Boulevard (eastbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Valley Drive (northbound/south bound) | Blue Ridge Court | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Valley Drive (southbound) | Bluff Road | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Valley Drive | Edwin | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Valley Drive (northbound/south bound) | Quail Drive | 1400 | 9-19-05 |
Valley Drive (northbound/south bound) | Rock Ridge Court | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Waterford Trail (northbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Wedgewood Lane (westbound) | Old Kerry Grove | 1391 | 8-1-05 |
Westwood Court (facing north) | Lauren Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Westwood Drive (facing south) | Lauren Drive | 857 | 8-7-95 |
Willard Street (southbound) | Center Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Willard Street (northbound) | Channon Drive | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Willard Street | Joliet | 633 | 1-7-91 |
Willard Street (southbound) | North Street | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Willard Street (northbound) | Route 6 | 481 | 9-14-88 |
Winchester Drive (facing east) | Thomas Dillon Drive | 1206 | 11-19-01 |
Winding Oak Court (westbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Winding Oak Trail (eastbound) | Bell Road | 1359 | 9-20-04 |
Woodbriar Lane (facing south) | Deer Path | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Woodbriar Lane (facing north) | Deer Path | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Woodbrush Way (facing north) | Hansel Road | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Woodbrush Way (facing south) | Tallgrass Trail | 956 | 10-20-97 |
Woodrush Way (westbound) | Bell Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Woodland Court (westbound) | McKinley Woods Road | 764 | 7-6-93 |
Yellow Pine Drive (northbound) | Route 6 | 1139 | 7-17-00 |
Yellow Pine Drive (westbound) | Ridge Road | 1350 | 6-7-04 |
Yellow Pine Drive (southbound) | Saxony Drive | 1444 | 11-20-06 |
Yellow Pine Drive (eastbound/westb ound) | Sycamore Road | 1400 | 9-19-05 |