A license to operate a taxicab, motorcar, automobile, or motor bus business within the city, or upon the streets and public ways may be issued by the city clerk to any person, firm or corporation of good moral character attested to by the affidavit of two (2) residents of the city, who shall apply by submitting the following:
   A.   Fee: A license fee as established by the city's fee schedule, the license to terminate on June 30, next, thereafter;
   B.   Certificate Of Insurance: A certificate from an insurance company licensed to do business within the state not cancelable without ten (10) days' notice to the city, indemnifying the city or any person to whom the applicant may become liable in such amount as established by the city's fee schedule. (1985 Code § 16-202; amd. 2003 Code)
   C.   List Of Vehicles And Operators; Proof Of Insurance: A list of the motor vehicles to be used in the business, duly showing that they, and each of them, are covered by the insurance mentioned in this section and a list of operators who are to operate the motor vehicles. (1985 Code § 16-202)