For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ATV/UTV STREETS. All town streets inside of the town limits, except RESTRICTED STREETS.
OFF-ROAD VEHICLE. A motor driven vehicle of at least 4 wheels capable of cross-country travel:
(1) Without benefit of a road; and
(2) On or immediately over land, water, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or other natural terrain. The term OFF-ROAD VEHICLE does not include a snowmobile, any other vehicle properly registered by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, any watercraft that is registered under Indiana Statutes, or a golf cart vehicle regulated by Chapter 74.
OPERATOR. The lawful operator of an off-road vehicle, which must be an individual at least 18 years of age and possess a valid motor vehicle driver's license as is also required by I.C. 14-16-1-20(c).
(1) Indiana State Highway No. 62 (Lincoln Avenue) except as provided in (D) hereof;
(2) Any street or highway posted by order of the Town Council or its designee for non-use by off-road vehicles;
(3) On sidewalks;
(4) On State Highway 62 (Lincoln Avenue), except to cross the said State Highway 62 (Lincoln Avenue) at the intersections of:
(a) North State Street and South State Street; and
(b) Inderrieden Road and Tennessee Street in a path 90 degrees to State Highway 62 (Lincoln Avenue); provided, however, off-road vehicles may be operated on State Highway 62 (Lincoln Avenue) in connection with and during the course of such special events as may be from time to time determined and so designated by the Town Council;
(5) On any unpaved surfaces of public property; and
(6) On any private property without permission of the owner.
(Ord. 2019-04, passed 7-15-2019)