The duties and responsibilities of the Utility Clerk shall be as follows:
   (A)   The billing and collection of utility charges and fees for the water utility and the sewer utility. Additionally, the Utility Clerk shall have the responsibility for the billing and collection of the storm water utility fees charged by the town and the fire protection charges as the same are charged through the utility billing process of the town. The Utility Clerk shall be responsible for all necessary and related functions to fulfill these duties and responsibilities. The Town Council shall establish a specific list of the duties and responsibilities of the Utility Clerk.
   (B)   The oversight and approval of all claims to be charged against the utility revenues of the town to be submitted to the Town Council for approval and direction of the payment of the same by the Clerk-Treasurer of the town.
   (C)   The Utility Clerk shall be appointed by the Town Council and under the direct supervision of the Town Council to which Council the Clerk shall report.
   (D)   The salary ordinance of the town shall delineate the position of Utility Clerk and shall establish the salary therefor.
(Ord. 2012-1, passed 6-4-2012)