(A)   The Department of Storm Water Management of the Town of Chandler shall inspect each property for which a notice to remove obstructions or correct other violations under this subchapter has been issued at least 30 calendar days from the giving of the notice, as aforesaid.
   (B)   If the obstructions have not been removed or correction of other violations have not been made by the owner at the time of this inspection, the Department of Storm Water Management may have the obstructions removed or corrections made by the employees of the Town of Chandler or by a contractor engaged by the Town of Chandler for that purpose.
   (C)   In the event that the obstructions or areas of other necessary corrections of violations are located in an enclosed area, the entry of which is limited by locked gate, the Department of Storm Water Management shall direct the town employees or the town's contractor to remove the lock and enter onto the property for the purpose of removing the obstructions or making the corrections that are in violation of this subchapter.
   (D)   Prior to the removal of a lock, the Department of Storm Water Management shall have given notice of the intended removal to the owner as a part of the notice to remove obstructions as herein above provided.
(Ord. 2004-11, passed 11-15-2004)