(A)   East and west. On all streets crossing State Street from east to west or running parallel or approximately parallel with that street, that portion of every street lying east of State Street or the approximate line in its prolongation north or south shall, unless otherwise provided in this section, be designated by the word east, and that portion of every street lying west of State Street or the approximate line of its prolongation north or south shall, unless otherwise provided in this section, be designated by the word west. The descriptive words shall be prefixed to the names of the streets respectively.
   (B)   North and south. On all streets crossing Lincoln Avenue from north to south or running parallel or approximately parallel with Lincoln Avenue, that portion of every street lying north of Lincoln Avenue or the approximate line of its prolongation east or west shall be designated by the word north and that portion of every street lying south of Lincoln Avenue or the approximate line of its prolongation east or west shall, unless otherwise provided in this section, be designated by the word south. The descriptive words shall be prefixed to the names of the streets respectively.
   (C)   Miscellaneous streets. Streets whose direction is neither north and south or east and west, shall be considered as extending in a general northerly, southerly, easterly, or westerly direction, according to which of those directions the streets most closely approximate, and buildings on the streets shall be numbered as though the streets ran due north, south, east, or west.
(Ord. 2017-04, passed 10-2-2017)