(A)   Meetings of the Town Council shall be held in compliance with the Indiana Open Door Law found at I.C. 5-14-1.5-1.
   (B)   The Town Council shall meet at least once per month on Monday evenings.
   (C)   Special meetings of the Town Council may be called by the Town Council President or any three Town Council members. It shall be the duty of the person or persons calling the special meeting to notify the Clerk-Treasurer of the meeting, allowing the Clerk-Treasurer reasonable time to prepare and serve notice. It shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to duly notify all Town Council members and to serve notice of the time, date, and place of said special meeting in writing 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) prior to said meeting by posting notice in a public place and mailing, emailing, or faxing notice to media representatives who requested such notice on or before January 1.
   (D)   A quorum of the Town Council shall be a majority of all elected Town Council members. A quorum shall be necessary for the transaction of Town Council business unless otherwise required by statute or this code. No ordinance or resolution shall be passed which shall not have received the votes of a majority of all members of Town Council.
   (E)   For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless context indicates or requires a different meaning:
      ORDINANCE. A local law that regulates persons or property and relates to a matter of a general and permanent nature. Any Town Council enactment that regulates persons or property and imposes a fine for violations must be in the form of an ORDINANCE. No ORDINANCE shall be passed on the same day or at the same meeting that it is introduced, except by a unanimous consent of the Town Council, and then only if at least 2/3 of the Town Council members are present and voting. An ORDINANCE is required to amend or repeal an existing ORDINANCE.
      RESOLUTION. A stated position or policy of the Town Council or the town. A RESOLUTION may be passed on the same day or at the same meeting as it is introduced, unless it requires affirmative action on behalf of the town, if it is otherwise required by law, or if it is requested by a majority of the members of Town Council that it be treated with the formalities of an ordinance. A RESOLUTION passed under this section requires a majority vote of the Town Council members. A RESOLUTION may be passed by a voice vote rather than a roll-call vote, unless a roll-call vote is requested by any member of Town Council or unless the RESOLUTION requires affirmative action on behalf of the town as required by law or it has been requested by a majority of the members of Town Council that it be treated with the formality of an ordinance.
   (F)   The Clerk-Treasurer or Town Attorney may read an ordinance or resolution by number and title only, unless the presiding officer and 2 Town Council members request the item be read in its entirety.
(Ord. 2016-04, passed 6-6-2016)