(A) There is hereby created the Department of Redevelopment pursuant to I.C. 36-7-14-1 et seq. (the" Act").
(B) The Department of Redevelopment shall be under the control of a board of 5 members to be known as the Town of Chandler Redevelopment Commission, which shall perform the duties and functions as required by statute.
(C) Three of said commissioners shall be appointed by the president of the Town Council, and 2 shall be appointed by the Town Council. In addition, the Town Council president shall appoint 1 non-voting advisor from the membership of a school board of a school corporation located wholly or partly within the town, that being Warrick County School Corporation.
(D) Each Redevelopment commissioner shall serve for 1 year from the first day of January after his or her appointment and until his or her successor is appointed and has qualified, except that the original commissioners shall serve from the date of their appointment until the first day of January in the second year after their appointment. If a vacancy occurs, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as the original commissioner, and the successor shall serve for the remainder of the vacated term.
(E) Each Redevelopment commissioner, before beginning his or her duties, shall take and subscribe an oath of office in the form prescribed by law, to be endorsed on the certificate of his or her appointment, which shall be promptly filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
(F) Redevelopment commissioners shall have the qualifications prescribed by the laws of the State of Indiana as from time to time amended and shall qualify as therein provided; and shall exercise and enjoy the rights and powers and assume the duties and obligations conferred and imposed by said Act.
(G) The Town Clerk-Treasurer charged by law for the performance of duties in respect to the funds and accounts of the town, shall perform the same duties with respect to the funds and accounts of the Department of Redevelopment, except as otherwise provided for in the Act.
(Ord. 2014-33, passed 8-4-2014; Am. Ord. 2024-06, passed - -2024)