§ 53.049 PUBLIC INPUT.
   (A)   The Town of Chandler Engineer and Storm Water Department Manager must develop procedures for the receipt and considerations of public inquiries, concerns, and information submitted whether written or oral, regarding the quality of storm water runoff from construction sites.
   (B)   The Town of Chandler Engineer and Storm Water Department Manager must implement a tracking process by which public information, whether submitted orally or in writing, is documented and then given to appropriate staff for follow-up, including an adequate investigation when needed to determine appropriate resolution of the concern.
   (C)   The Town of Chandler Engineer and Storm Water Department Manager may utilize other Town of Chandler agencies' applicable resources and will use standardized documentation to other appropriate agencies to accomplish appropriate follow-up.
(Ord. 2006-6, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2008-10, passed 11-17-2008)