(A)   The following reference manuals and guidance documents are hereby incorporated by reference into this subchapter for use by the Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Board, Storm Water Department Manager, any other MS4 personnel, project site owners, individual lot owners, planners,
trained individuals, certified personnel, and other persons operating subject to this subchapter. The manuals and documents are hereby incorporated by reference into this subchapter to assist in the selection, planning, implementation, management, inspection, evaluation, monitoring, making corrective recommendations, and reporting performance of storm water quality measures, ECMs, and BMPs. Options are not limited to these manuals and documents and the Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Board or Storm Water Department Manager may approve the selection of control measures and management practices from other sources:
      (1)   The Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual, and its subsequent revisions, updates, addendums, and replacement additions;
      (2)   LTAP Storm Water Drainage Manual, and its subsequent revisions, updates, addendums, and replacement additions;
      (3)   Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, and its subsequent revisions, updates, addendums, and replacement additions;
      (4)   The Georgia Storm Water Management Manual, Vol. 2: Technical Handbook, available at: http://georgiastormwater.com; and
      (5)   The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Green Infrastructure Curriculum and Training web resources available at: OCRA: Other Resources (in.gov).
   (B)   The Board may direct the creation of the Town of Chandler Storm Water Manual and Standards as a part of the Town of Chandler Design and Development Standards. After adoption of the Town of Chandler Storm Water Manual and Standards, by resolution of the Board, the standards shall become incorporated by reference to this subchapter, and the Board may subsequently approve and adopt amendments to the manual. In addition, the Board may by resolution incorporate by reference additional reference materials to this subchapter, or delete reference, in order to assist and guide compliance with this subchapter.
   (C)   The Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Board, or Storm Water Department Manager will decide appropriateness of selection of an ECM, BMP, or other storm water quality or quantity control measure submitted for review based upon the most applicable engineering and technical criteria from among the standard reference manuals and guidance documents attached to this subchapter.
(Ord. 2006-6, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2008-10, passed 11-17-2008; Am. Ord. 2024-15, passed 6-17-2024)