(A)   Requirement for the submittal of a compliant construction plan. The owner of a major project site must submit, or cause to be submitted, a construction plan for a major project subject to regulation by this subchapter.
   (B)   Submittal in quadruplicate. The construction plan must contain the elements, requirements, provisions, and other content as enumerated for the project site in accordance with this subchapter, and must be submitted in quadruplicate, 4 separate and identical copies, to the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager.
   (C)   Records. The Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department will record the time and date of each construction plan submittal on each copy; and will manage the 4 copies of each project's construction plan in accordance with the following procedure:
      (1)   One copy will be forwarded to the Storm Water Management Board as directed by the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager.
      (2)   One copy will be held in a separate file for field use by the Town of Chandler MS4 Department Manager and any other representatives of the Town of Chandler Storm Water Management Board, Engineer or other elected or appointed personnel of the Town of Chandler.
      (3)   One copy will be returned to the project site owner with the recorded time and date of submittal.
      (4)   One copy will be held in a separate file to facilitate an opportunity for a Town of Chandler outsourced designee (if applicable) to make technical comments and recommendations regarding the construction plan.
   (D)   Route of review. The Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will determine the appropriate route of review and approval a construction plan takes in accordance with this subchapter and subject to the direction, approval, or action of the Town of Chandler.
   (E)   Plan approval before initiation of construction. Plan approval is required before the initiation of construction activity at a project site for which a construction plan is required. The initiation of construction activity prior to the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department's Manager notification of plan approval constitutes a violation of this subchapter subject to an enforcement action, penalty or fine. If no land disturbing activities occur, then initial mobilization of equipment, machinery, and tools to the site is permitted. At the project site owner's risk for subsequent modification, installation of anticipated ECMs may begin.
   (F)   Plan review period. Pursuant to I.C. 13-18-27, the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department’s Manager shall make a preliminary determination as to whether the construction plan associated with SWPPP is substantially complete before the end of the tenth working day (for sites with less than 5 acres of land disturbance) or the fourteenth working day (for sites with 5 acres or larger of land disturbance) after the day on which the SWPPP is submitted to the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department’s Manager. Note that the aforementioned time limits only apply to the preliminary determination regarding the adequacy of the SWPPP portion of the overall storm water permit submittal and does not affect any official or non-official permit review timelines set by the Town of Chandler for other aspects of the storm water permit application.
   (G)   Notice of preliminary determination. Upon the preliminary review of the plan completeness according to statutory timelines noted in division (F) above, the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will provide the project site owner, or the designated representative of the project site operator, with a notice of preliminary determination. This notice will either confirm the completeness of the SWPPP portion of the permit submittal sent by the applicant or will note that deficiencies exist in the submittal SWPPP, which will need to be corrected. Following this preliminary determination notice, the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will continue its more in-depth review of all aspects of the submittal. Upon the conclusion of the review, the town will either issue a notice of plan approval or a notice of deficiency as discussed in divisions (H) and (I) below. The project site owner must include the notice of preliminary determination or the notice of plan approval (whichever is in hand at the time of the NOI submittal) with the NOI submittal to IDEM through its Regulatory ePortal. If plan deficiencies are discovered after the issuance of the notice of preliminary determination and the submittal of the NOI by the project site owner but before the issuance of the final notice of plan approval, the project site owner must address those deficiencies before a final notice of plan approval is issued.
   (H)   Notice of plan approval. The Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will provide the project site owner, or the designated representative of the project site operator, with a notice of plan approval (NPA) as soon as is practicable following the Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Management Board, and/or Storm Water Department Manager's review and approval of all aspects of the submittal, including the SWPPP and other permitting requirements of the town. If issued by the town before the NOI submittal, the project site owner must include the NPA as verification of plan approval (instead of the notice of preliminary determination discussed in division (G) above) with the NOI filed online with IDEM through its Regulatory ePortal.
   (I)   Notice of plan deficiency. If the Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Management Board, and/or Storm Water Department Manager determines that a construction plan is deficient, the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will issue a notice of deficiency (NOD) letter requiring modifications, terms, and conditions as necessary for the plan to meet the requirements of this subchapter.
   (J)   Appeal of notice of plan deficiency. If the Town of Chandler Engineer, Storm Water Department Manager, or Storm Water Management Board, determines that a construction plan is deficient, the project site owner receives a notice of plan deficiency (NOD) letter, and the project site owner disagrees with the determination, the project site owner must appeal the determination to the Board before taking any other legal action on the NOD.
   (K)   Construction activity with a deficient plan constitutes a violation. The initiation of construction activity at a project site following notification by the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager that the construction plan for the site does not meet the requirements of the subchapter constitutes a violation of this subchapter subject to an enforcement action, penalty, or fine.
   (L)   Required re-submittal of a corrected construction plan. If the project site owner receives a NOD letter of plan deficiency after the plan review period expires and following commencement of construction activities at the site, the construction plan must be modified to meet the requirements of this subchapter, and resubmitted within 14 days of receipt of the NOD.
   (M)   Sufficiency of construction plan. The Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager will determine the sufficiency of a construction plan based upon the requirements, provisions, and criteria enumerated, referenced, or attached to this subchapter.
(Ord. 2006-6, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2008-10, passed 11-17-2008; Am. Ord. 2024-15, passed 6-17-2024) Penalty, see § 53.999