(A)   Major project site.
      (1)   Responsibilities. For a major project site regulated under this chapter, the project site owner has the following responsibilities:
         (a)   To complete a sufficient notice of intent(NOI) application with IDEM through its Regulatory ePortal and notify the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager through email;
         (b)   To ensure that a sufficient construction plan is completed and submitted in accordance with§ 53.023 of this chapter;
         (c)   To ensure compliance with this chapter during the implementation of the approved construction plan for the project site, and during subsequent construction activities at the project site;
         (d)   To ensure that all persons engaging in construction activities on a permitted project site comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter and the approved construction plan; and
         (e)   To notify the Town of Chandler Engineer or Storm Water Department Manager and request a final determination inspection upon project completion and file a copy of the town’s verified inspection with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management along with a sufficient notice of termination letter (NOT) through IDEM’s Regulatory ePortal as discussed in § 53.051.
      (2)   Individual lot where disturbance is 1 acre or more. For an individual lot where land disturbance is expected to be 1 acre or more and the lot lies within a major project site regulated under this chapter and permitted in accordance with the CSGP, the individual lot owner must:
         (a)   Complete and submit his or her own NOI in accordance with the applicable requirements of this chapter; and
         (b)   Ensure that a sufficient construction plan is completed and submitted in accordance with § 53.023 of this chapter.
   (B)   Minor project site. For an individual lot where the land disturbance is less than 1 acre, and the lot lies within a major project site regulated under this chapter and permitted in accordance with the CSGP, the individual lot owner must comply with the following:
      (1)   The provisions and requirements of the approved construction plan developed by the project site owner; and
      (2)   Section 53.027 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2006-6, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2008-10, passed 11-17-2008; Am. Ord. 2024-15, passed 6-17-2024)