(A) Pursuant to I.C. 36-5-4-12, the Town Council does hereby authorize and directs the Clerk-Treasurer of the town to write checks and pay claims prior to the formal Council approval at a regularly scheduled meeting with respect to the following types of items:
(1) Property or services purchased from the U.S. Government;
(2) License or permit fees;
(3) Insurance premiums;
(4) Utility payments or connect charges;
(5) Federal grant programs if:
(a) Advance refunding is not prohibited; and
(b) The contracting party posts sufficient security to cover the amount advanced.
(6) Grants of state funds;
(7) Maintenance or service agreements;
(8) Leases or rental agreements;
(9) Bond or coupon payments;
(10) Payroll;
(11) State, federal, or county taxes;
(12) Expenses that must be paid because of emergency circumstances; and
(13) Expenses described in an ordinance.
(B) Each payment of expenses must be supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill and certified by the fiscal officer.
(Ord. 9, passed 8-14-2017)