A.   Construction Zone: It is the responsibility of the building permit holder, as a condition of permit, to protect all public trees located on the adjacent public right-of-way that may reasonably be expected to be affected or damaged by construction activities. Existing trees subject to construction damage shall be boxed, fenced, or otherwise protected before any work is started. The trees to be protected, the method of protection, and the dimensions involved shall be determined by the Superintendent conjunctly with the permit holder or his/her agent. Once assembled, no boxing, fencing or other protection device shall be removed without prior approval of the Director of Public Works, and there will be no construction activity or material within the enclosure.
      1.   Dimensions: Small trees, as determined by the Director of Public Works, shall be boxed or fenced in such a manner as to encompass the entire drip line area of the tree. In no case shall the enclosure be less than two feet (2') from the centerline of the tree. Medium to large trees shall be boxed or fenced in a manner determined by the Director of Public Works based on sound arboricultural practices. In no case shall the protective device be closer than ten feet (10') from the centerline of the tree except in those portions bordered by the public sidewalk or curb, in which case the protective device shall be offset wherever possible.
   B.   Utility Installations (Underground): All installations of the underground utilities upon the public right-of-way are subject to approval by the Village. Any and all installations that impact on public trees due to underground conflicts (roots) are specifically subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works before the project starts. (Ord. 642-2018, 9-28-2018)