A.   These standards are to be considered as the standards for the Department of Public Works. (Ord. 649-2019, 7-15-2019)
   B.   These standards apply to the planting of trees by the Department of Public Works, individuals, businesses, or other organizations on Village property, right-of-ways or boulevards owned and maintained by the Village. (Ord. 642-2018, 9-28-2018)
   C.   Exceptions to these standards can only be made with the advance approval of the Board of Trustees. Anyone seeking an exception must seek a hearing before the Director of Public Works. (Ord. 649-2019, 7-15-2019)
   D.   For purposes of this chapter, the Village shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions set forth herein where the tree was planted by the Village or its designee. Where a tree is planted by a property owner, then the property owner and any successor owner or interest-holder shall be responsible for compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 642-2018, 9-28-2018)