It shall be unlawful for any person to be cruel to any animal in any of the following ways:
   A.   By overloading, overdriving, overworking, cruelly beating, torturing, tormenting, mutilating, or cruelly killing any animal or causing or knowingly or allowing the same to be done.
   B.   By cruelly working any animal, including old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animals, or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done.
   C.   By failing to provide any animal in his or her charge or custody, as owner or otherwise, with proper and necessary food, drink or shelter.
   D.   By abandoning or turning out to die any animal, including old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animals.
   E.   By carrying or driving, or causing to be carried or driven, or kept any animal in any unnecessarily cruel manner. (1995 Code § 10.108)