(A)   The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the City Council of a city of the Second Class. The Mayor may vote when his or her vote would provide the additional vote required to attain the number of votes equal to a majority of the number of members elected to the city council on any pending matter, legislation or transaction, and the Mayor shall, for the purpose of such vote, be deemed to be a member of the Council. He or she shall have superintendence and control of all the officers and affairs of the city and shall take care that the ordinances of the city and all laws governing cities of the second class are complied with.
(Neb. RS 17-110)
   (B)   The Mayor shall have the power to approve or veto any ordinance passed by the City Council and to approve or veto any order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim. If the Mayor approves the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract or claim, he or she shall sign it, and it shall become effective. If the Mayor vetoes the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract or any item or items of appropriations or claims, he or she shall return it to the City Council stating that the measure is vetoed. The Mayor may issue the veto at the meeting at which the measure passed or within seven calendar days after the meeting. If the Mayor issues the veto after the meeting, the Mayor shall notify the City Clerk of the veto in writing. The Clerk shall notify the City Council in writing of the Mayor’s veto. Any ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim vetoed by the Mayor, may be passed over his or her veto by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to the Council. If the Mayor neglects or refuses to sign any ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim, but fails to veto the measure within the time required by this section, the measure shall become effective without his or her signature. The Mayor may veto any item or items of any appropriation bill, or any claims bill, and approve the remainder thereof, and the item or items so vetoed may be passed by the Council over the veto as in other cases.
(Neb. RS 17-111)
   (C)   The Mayor shall, from time to time, communicate to the City Council such information and recommend such measures as, in his or her opinion, may tend to the improvement of the finances, the police, health, security, ornament, comfort and general prosperity of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-112)
   (D)   The Mayor shall have the power, when he or she deems it necessary, to require any officer of the city to exhibit his or her accounts or other papers, and to make reports to the Council, in writing, touching any subject or matter pertaining to his or her office.
(Neb. RS 17-113)
   (E)   The Mayor shall have such jurisdiction as may be vested in him or her by ordinance, over all places within five miles of the corporate limits of the city, for the enforcement of any health or quarantine ordinance and regulation thereof, and shall have jurisdiction in ah matters vested in him or her by ordinance, excepting taxation, within one-half mile of the corporate limits of said city.
(Neb. RS 17-114)
   (F)   The Mayor shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures, and to grant reprieves and pardons for all offenses arising under the ordinances of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-117)
(Ord. 977, passed 7-14-2014)