The city shall repair or replace, as the case may be, all supply pipe between the commercial main and the stop box. The customer, at his or her own expense, shall replace and keep in repair all service pipes from, and including, the stop box to the place of disbursement. When leaks occur in service pipes, the Water Superintendent shall shut off water service until the leak is repaired at the expense of the customer to the satisfaction of the Water Superintendent. All water meters shall be kept in repair by the city at the expense of the city. When meters are worn out, they shall be replaced and reset by the city at the expense of the city, provided that if the customer permits or allows a water meter to be damaged, injured or destroyed through his or her own recklessness, carelessness or neglect so that the meter must be repaired or replaced, the City Clerk shall bill and collect from the customer the cost of such meter repair or replacement in the same manner as water rent fees are collected. Permitting a water meter to be damaged or destroyed by freezing shall always be considered negligence on the part of the customer. All meters shall be tested at the customer’s request at the expense of the customer any reasonable number of times; provided that if the test shows the water meter to be running 2% or more fast, the expense of such test shall be borne by the city. The city reserves the right to test any water meter at any time, and if said meter is found to be beyond repair the city shall always have the right to place a new meter on the customer’s water service fixtures at city expense. Should a customer’s meter fail to register properly, the customer shall be charged for water during the time the meter is out of repair on the basis of the monthly consumption during the same month of the preceding year; provided that if no such basis for comparison exists, the customer shall be charged such amount as may be reasonable, fixed by the Water Superintendent. It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with any water meter, or by any means or device to divert water from the service pipe so that the same shall not pass through said meter, to cause the same to register inaccurately.
(Ord. 1068, passed 9-9-2021)