The city shall carry the water service to the approximate lot line and furnish and install the necessary curb cock and housing and shall furnish the meter and stop and waste valve and shall be paid therefor a service charge, which shall be the sum of the cost of material used, hourly charge for use of mechanical equipment and the cost of labor expended. Such service shall be provided through a pipe of three-fourths inch diameter or more. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the city to extend its mains or render service unless the mains shall be immediately adjacent to the property to be served. Where the mains are not immediately adjacent to the property and the owner shall desire service, the city will furnish 40 feet of pipe, install the necessary curb cock and housing and furnish the meter and stop and waste valve, and the customer will furnish all other necessary pipe and all labor for the service charge hereinabove set forth. The meter shall be installed horizontally and with the flow of the water. The customer must install the meter furnished by the city and shall keep his or her service pipes, stop cocks and other apparatus in good repair at his or her own expense. The Water Superintendent or his or her agent shall have the exclusive power to repair and test all meters and the city may charge the customer the reasonable value for making any repairs or furnishing any new parts required for any cause other than ordinary wear. Upon the refusal of the owner to pay for any such parts or repairs, the water upon proper notice shall be shut off and not turned on again until all charges and penalties have been paid.
(Ord. 1068, passed 9-9-2021)