(A)   Any non-resident salesperson intending to sell or attempting to sell at retail any merchandise, magazines, books, services or other items of value or attempting to take orders or subscriptions for the same within the corporate limits of the city shall prior to making any attempt to sell such items, register with the City Clerk. There shall be a charge of $20 per day for any license, to be paid at the time such license is issued.
   (B)   A license may be granted after the following is provided:
      (1)   The applicant’s full name, current address, telephone number and proof of identity;
      (2)   A brief description of the nature, character and quality of goods, wares or merchandise to be offered for sale;
      (3)   The specific location, if any, in which the vendor intends to conduct business;
      (4)   If the applicant is employed by another, the name and address of the person, firm, association, organization, company or corporation;
      (5)   If a motor vehicle is to be used, a description of the vehicle together with the motor vehicle registration number and license number;
      (6)   A sales tax permit as required by Neb. RS 77-2705; and
      (7)   Proof of a public liability bond or insurance policy in an amount not less than $300,000 for property damage and injuries, including death, caused by the operation of the business.
(Ord. 922, passed 1-12-2009)