The city shall file in the offices of the County Register of Deeds and County Treasurer a certificate substantially in the following form:
NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO: Under the authority of the Central City Municipal Code, the City did on ___________, 20____ abate a nuisance upon the real estate hereinafter described and then on ______________, 20____, did assess the cost of the abatement upon the real estate. The City of Central City claims a special assessment on the real estate for the expense of doing the work in the amount of $_____. This amount is a special assessment against the real estate until it is paid, with interest as set by the applicable statutes of the State of Nebraska, until discharged of record. The real estate referred to above and upon which the special assessment is claimed is that certain parcel of land situated within the City of Central City, County of Merrick, State of Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: ______________________. Date: , 20 . CITY OF CENTRAL CITY BY: City Clerk |
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-123, 17-573, 18-1720