All food vendors shall make application, pay a permit fee and obtain a permit from the Central District Health Department prior to the sale of food or drinks on any street, alley, easement, or other public or private property in the City of Central City. The additional regulations shall apply:
   (A)   All food vendors shall make application to the City Clerk, pay a permit fee and obtain a permit prior to using the streets, alley, easements, or other public or private property in Central City to operate under the terms and conditions in § 2-108.
   (B)   The owner of each company making application for a food vendor permit shall show proof of identity with a photo identification card, and shall pay a nonrefundable application fee to the City Clerk in accordance with the fee schedule and division (C) below at the time of making such application.
   (C)   Food vendor permits shall be in effect for up to five consecutive days from the date of issuance as requested by the vendor and upon payment of the applicable permit fee of $40 for the first day and $25 for each additional day up to five days in total. No permit shall take effect until 48 hours after an application has been received by the City Clerk. The permit fee may be waived by a majority vote of the City Council. A vendor who has been granted ten or more permits in any calendar year may apply for a three-month blanket permit, to include one day per week, for a non-refundable fee of $100 and may apply for three-month renewals on the same terms unless otherwise terminated by a vote of the City Council.
   (D)   No food vendor permit shall be approved for business within any city park or recreational area without the prior approval of the City Council.
   (E)   Food vendors may conduct business only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. unless additional hours are approved by the City Council.
   (F)   A food vendor operating on a city street shall vend from the side of the vendor’s truck away from moving traffic and at the curb or edge of the roadway and shall vend only when the vendor’s truck is lawfully parked or stopped.
   (G)   A temporary or mobile facility qualifying under the definition of food vendor may be exempt from the provisions of this section if said facility is operated on property owned or leased by the operator. Any lease must have a duration of at least 90 days and evidence of said lease must be presented to the City Clerk. The City Council may grant such exemption if, in their judgment, a market-based lease on a suitably sized parcel would effectively support the business, its traffic and parking needs.
   (H)   A food vendor permit may be issued to a local vendor for a blanket duration of up to 90 days and the fee for said permit may be waived by a majority vote of the Council. A “local” vendor is defined as an owner/operator who maintains their primary residence within the city limits or within three miles of said city.
   (I)   A mobile food vendor shall not sell nor offer to sell food from a location within 200 feet of a permanent food establishment's property line, unless each such permanent food establishment within such area has provided written consent.
(Ord. 986, passed 7-13-2015; Ord. 1039, passed 12-9-2019; Ord. 1079, passed 3-14-2022; Ord. 1133, passed 9-9-2024)