(A)   Accidents.
      (1)   The following procedures shall be used when a Police Department or town-owned vehicle (including leased) driven by police personnel is involved in an accident.
         (a)   The Communications Center shall be notified of the accident, location, conditions and persons involved.
         (b)   Communications shall dispatch all necessary units:
            1.   Accident Investigator or representative of an outside agency;
            2.   Ambulance, if needed;
            3.   Wreckers, if needed; and
            4.   The Police Chief.
      (2)   The vehicle should not be moved unless directed by the Accident Investigator or superior officer, or if the vehicle is in a position to cause danger.
      (3)   If injuries are involved:
         (a)   If injured and under arrest, civilians will be sent to hospital. If they refuse treatment, they shall be required to sign a medical release; and
         (b)   Police personnel (sworn and civilian) shall be sent to hospital for examination any time injury is sustained.
      (4)   All transactions between persons and officers involved in the accident shall be exchanged through the Accident Investigator.
      (5)   All reports shall indicate the officer’s name, assignment, whether on or off duty, and license plate number. If the vehicle was parked at the time of the accident, the name of the officer who parked the vehicle shall be included in the incident report.
      (6)   Reports - P/I, P/D Accident:
         (a)   Officer - 38656 (blue) Indiana Officer’s Standard Report;
         (b)   Superior Officer - Information Report; and
         (c)   Accident Investigator - 23558R (white) Indiana Operator’s Accident Report.
   (B)   Damage to police vehicle.
      (1)   If a police vehicle is involved in a situation where it is the only vehicle damaged (i.e., backing into a post, chuckhole damage or the like), the information report shall be completed by the officer.
      (2)   Each officer shall be responsible for checking his or her assigned vehicle for damage prior to moving the vehicle. If an officer fails to do so, that officer may be charged with any damage found on the vehicle while the vehicle is under his or her control.
   (C)   Estimate of damage.
      (1)   The vehicle shall be taken to the police garage during garage working hours by the officer or his or her immediate supervisor for an estimate of damage as soon as possible.
      (2)   All information shall be submitted as soon as possible.
   (D)   Distribution of reports. The officer and the Accident Investigator shall give the Police Chief all completed reports for dissemination to:
      (1)   Accident records; and
      (2)   The Town Attorney.
(Prior Code, § 33.53)