§ 154.015  REMEDIES.
   The town’s Plan Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Building Commissioner, any designated enforcement official, or any person, firm or corporation jointly or severally aggrieved, may institute a suit for injunction in the Circuit Court of the county to restrain an individual or a governmental unit from violating the provisions of this chapter. The town’s Plan Commission or the Board of Zoning Appeals may also institute a suit for mandatory injunction directing any individual, a corporation or a governmental unit to remove a structure erected in violation of the provisions of this chapter. Any building erected, raised or converted, or land or premises used in violation of any provisions of this chapter or the requirements thereof, is hereby declared to be a common nuisance and as such may be abated in the manner that nuisances are now or may hereafter be abated under existing law.
(Prior Code, § 154.015)  (Ord. 1-1957, passed 5-27-1957)